Chapter 27

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Brittany's P.O.V.
I pull up to Santana's house and see she's already arrived. I knock on the door then wait. The beautiful Raven haired girl opens it.
"Hey, Britt.", Santana says.
"Hey, San.", I say awkwardly. Why am I being so weird today I've been here a thousand times. God Brittany pull it together.
"I stopped and got you these.", I say pulling out flowers and chocolates.
"Thanks, babe!", She says kissing me.
"Wanna go up to my room?", She asks.
"I'd love to.", I reply walking in and following her up the stairs to her room. I instantly go to her closet where I keep a secret stash of my clothes. I pull out the box and pick out a tank top and shorts. Santana stares at me while I pick out my clothes.
"What's going on, San?", I ask.
"Nothing. I just love you so much.", She says kissing me.
"I love you too.", I say our foreheads touching.
"I'm gonna change.", I say standing up. I pull off my dress and throw on the shorts and tank top, then lay down on Santana's bed. She lays next to me in her cute Minnie shorts and red tank top. We sit there in silence, then I break the silence.
"Do you ever just wish you could start over?", I ask.
"Sometimes. If I could I would never date Rachel, then Quinn would still be alive. Then maybe we would be engaged or getting ready to move to New York or somewhere together. I would give anything to love you longer and for Quinn to be alive.", She says, both of us laying on our sides facing each other. I could feel her warm breath on my skin.
"If I could start over I'd break up with Quinn the minute I knew I loved you. I hate myself for stringing her along. But she was a pretty girl who seemed to like me and I didn't want to give that up. You know when I told her I loved you she wasn't mad, she really loves us to let us be together. She could've yelled and screamed, but she didn't. I also wish I had I had the guts to tell you I loved you sooner.", I say.
"Do you know what you're doing after graduation?", She asks curiously. In the back of my mind I knew she was up to something, something wonderful.
"No clue. I'm not the smartest and school isn't really my favorite thing. I just want to do something.", I said. Then I started to think about it. What do I want to do?
"Well... I was waiting to tell everybody this but I got into Baylor University and I'm moving to Texas right after graduation.", How could she be leaving so soon? I can't leave her. I need her.
"What does this mean for us?", I ask about to cry. I sit up and hug my knees. She sits up to and gets down to the ground on one knee.
"Brittany, to be honest I know we haven't been going out that long but I love you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I just want be with you and hold these hands and kiss those lips. I want to be with you. Now this isn't an engagement ring. This a promise ring and this is me making you a promise to love you, to be faithful to you, to hold you, and to love you till the day I die. Will you accept this ring?", I stand up and bend down to get to her level, tears threatening my eyes.
"Santana, I do. I do!", She places the ring on my finger. I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her.
"I love you.", She whispers into my ear. "And I promise one day I will marry you. One day you will replace that ring with a wedding band. I will never ever let you go Brittany S. Pierce.", She whispers.
"I love you too. And I don't care how big the diamond is or how extravagant the wedding is or how much money you have, I will always say yes. And that is a promise.", I whisper back crying.

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