Chapter 3

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Finn's P.O.V.

I held Rachel for what felt like eternity. Sometimes I can't believe she's all mine. I kissed her on the lips softly. "Rachel Berry I'm the luckiest man in the world." I told her and kissed her again. She kissed back and I felt sparks like I did the first time we kissed.

"Finn?" she asked.

"Yes, beautiful."

"Do you want to get married tomorrow after we tell everybody? I mean our parents know so why wait." She told me.

"Rachel, nothing would make me happier. I love you." I said to her then kissed her. "Rach, wanna hang out here tonight?"

"Sure, baby. Let me text my dads." She said. "They said I could stay the night." She told me. That night we laid under the stars and fell asleep there.

Rachel's P.O.V.

"Hey, Rach, Finn. Wake up." I heard someone say. It was Mr. Shue.

"Hey, Mr. Shue." Finn said adorably. Gosh was he cute.

"You guys ok?" He asked sceptically.

"Yeah. We're all good." I said smiling as I stood up. "We actually need to tell you something. We're engaged!" we both said excitingly.

"What! Why are you doing this!"he said. It wasn't the reaction I was hoping for. I started to cry a little.

"Rachel, come here. I love you." Finn told me.

"I'm sorry Rachel, Finn. I'm just shocked. So are you?"

"NO!!!!" I cut him off as I started laughing.

"Ok. Let's go inside." He said laughing. When we walked in the choir room I saw Santana and then I saw her hand and she slapped me and I fell to the ground. What just happened?

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