Chapter 23

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Santana's P.O.V.
Okay, today's the day. I grab my dress off my bed, it's Quinn's favorite color, baby blue. I slip it on and lightly curl my hair. I see the locket Quinn got me when I turned sixteen sitting on the dresser, I open it and see a photo of us on our first day of High School. A tear escapes my eye as I think about her, nobody knows this, but she's my best friend; everybody just assumed I was friends with her just because my girlfriend and her were close, but the truth is she was the greatest friend I will ever have. I put on the locket, then look at myself in the mirrior. My dress is securley tied around my neck? Check. No lipstick on my teeth? Check. No stains on my shoes? Check. Purse? Check. Sweater? Check.

Ok, Lopez. Lets go do this thing.

I grab my keys and head out to the car. I drive to the lake crying, then I see the memorial set up. I park the car, fix my makeup, and walk up to the casket. I see Quinn's beautiful face, and fall to the ground crying. Then I feel a hand take my hand, pick me up, and pull me into a hug. I cry into the strangers shoulder, then look up to see it's the one person I need right now.

"Abuelita?", I ask. She cups her around my face then answers.

"Hi, Santana.", She says, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Does this mean you forgive me?", I ask scared to know the answer.

"Yes, baby girl.", I pull her into a hug and cry into her shoulder. She lets go and leads me to our seats, we both sit down. I nuzzle my head into her shoulder. The pastor walks up and starts the funeral. I block out most of what he says until he says it's my turn to speak. I walk to her casket, my hands shaking, then the words come out.

"Quinn, how do I even begin to descrbe her? Well... I don't know. All I know is that when I came out she was there, when me and Rachel broke up she was there, when I got my first solo she was there. Quinn was always there no matter what. I wish I could have her standing next to me holding my hand right now. Quinn, was a super hero to me; she always seemed to be saving the day. Now I'm standing here at her funeral. If Quinn was here she'd say something funny yet indearing, but she's not so here's what I have to say. Quinn Fabray, She taught me how to live, how to love, how to be happy, and most importantly how to let go. She's my best friend and I miss her.", I fall to my knees and start balling my eyes out.

"I miss you so much, Quinny! I love you!", I scream. I finally stand up and walk off tears rolling down my cheeks. I take off my shoes and walk down to the end of the pier and sit down, my feet dangling in my water. I take off my locket and look at the picture inside.

"I'm really trying to be strong. I just miss you so much, Quinny. I wish you would come back to me."

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