Chapter 5

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Rachel's P.O.V.

Once I got out of the nurse's office I ran out of the school. I just had to think, I mean I thought I loved Finn, but after that kiss my feelings for Santana are bubbling up again. I ran to the park where I knew nobody would find me. I leaned up against a huge tree and sat down.

I love Finn, but me and Santana have a connection that me and Finn just don't have. When Santana's hand touches mine I feel.... electricfied. Like I could stay with her forever. When I first met Finn I thought I felt that, but now I know that we will never have that. I have to call off the wedding. And get back together with Santana.

I got up and ran back to the school as fast as I could. As I ran in to the school I saw everybody in the choir room. I walked in. Finn stood up.

"Rachel, your back. Ok everybody we have an announcement." He said.

"Finn we need to talk in private." I told him he looked confused.

"Can it wait?" he asked frustrated.

"No it can't." I said in a snarky tone. I dragged him into a close supply closet and turned on the light.

"What's going on, Rach?"

"Finn, Finn, Finn. I-I can't do this." I said crying.

"What? Why?" he asked obviously hurt.

"I thought you were the one and that we were going to live happily ever after. But I can't deny that I'm not happy, we just don't have a connection anymore." I told him well crying.

"Rachel. Why tho?" he asked with tears streaming down his adorable cheek.

"I'm in love with someone else. I'm sorry Finn."

"It's Santana isn't it!" he yelled at me. Then stormed out I chased after him into the choir room.

Finn's P.O.V.

I can't believe this! If Santana thinks she's getting away with this she's not!

"Yo! Santana!" I yelled at her as I walked into the choir room.

"What you whale?" she said rudely. As she stood up. I pushed her down to ground and punched her.

"How dare you break me and Rachel up!" I yelled at her.

"Finn! Get off of her!" Rachel said crying and came right to Santana's aid.

"Finn if you think I'll ever get back with you now you're an idiot!!!" she yelled at me as she wiped the blood away from Santana's nose with her sweater.

Rachel's P.O.V.

I yelled at Finn as I tried to help Santana. Then I realized she was unconscious.

"Mr.Shue! We've gotta get her to the nurse she's unconscious!" I yelled at Mr.Shue. Then he came over and picked her up and carried her to the nurse. When we got there he laid her down in a bed and I whispered in her ear.

"Hey, baby it's going to be okay. I'm here now. I love you." I saw her little eyes flutter open.

"I love you too." She whispered back. Her nose was still bleeding so I helped her sit up and got a tissue and cleaned her up. The nurse came over and said the she had definitely broken her nose and that I should take her to the ER.

Mr.Shue let us borrow his car since I didn't have mine and I helped her out to the car. When we got in and started driving I laughed at the sound of his dragging muffler. I reached over for Santana's hand.

"Hey, babes I'm never going to breakup with you again. I love you, and never want to let an amazing girl like you go again." I told Santana.

"I love you too. I'm sorry I slapped you." She said cutely.

"It's ok. I would've done the same." We laughed. We were finally at the ER. When we got in they fixed her nose and we were on our way out.


A/N Hey guys hoped you liked this chapter. So what do you think of Finchel breaking up and Pezberry getting back together. Remember to comment and vote. Love y'all!😘

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