Why Can't We Just Start Again?

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Meredith shook her head, "I don't know what you're talking about." and ran into the ER with her patient.

8 hours later

Everyone was done with their surgeries and the residents were hanging out in the tunnels, talking.

"So that Grey girl is your sister?" April asked.

"I think so. Molly, Thatcher's other daughter, mentioned he had another daughter who was in med school, but I never thought she was going to become a surgeon here. Or become a surgeon at all. I never planned on meeting her, let alone having a relationship with her." Meredith explained.

"Maybe you should give it a try." Jackson suggested, "I mean, she's your half-sister. You could at least try."

"I don't know. What if she doesn't like me? What if she's annoying? What if I don't like her?" Meredith asked.

"Stop saying 'what if'. Just go for it, and if you guys don't like each other, then that's how it is. If you don't want to try, then you don't have to. I think you should, though." Alex advised.

"You're right. I'm just gonna go do it." Meredith took a deep breath and left.

1 week later

Meredith and Lexie grew closer, but nothing big yet. Owen and Cristina got back together, yay! Cristina suspected there was something going on between him and Teddy, but she loved him, and she didn't want to lose him. April and Jackson got into a fight, but April was thinking about forgiving Madelyn, so that's good. Alex sparked a new interest in the intern Jo Wilson, but they were just friends, or so he thought.

"Lexie! Wait up." Meredith called from down the hall.

Lexie stopped and turned around, "Oh, hey Meredith."

"Hey. I just wanted to tell you, so that you know, if you ever need somewhere to stay, or need anything in general, I'm always here and my door is always open." Meredith said, she was trying out the whole 'sisterly love thing'. She didn't really like it, but it was worth a shot.

"Thanks! Well, uh, I have to go to rounds so I'll see you later." Lexie said, awkwardly.

"Oh, yeah. See you later." Meredith said and then walked away to the residents locker room.

"Hey, Mer." April called, when she saw Meredith enter the locker room. Only April and Cristina were in there.

"Hey, April. I just had the most awkward encounter with Lexie. I was trying to be sisterly or whatever. Not my strong suit." Meredith said while putting up her things.

"Why?" Cristina asked.

"To be nice...?" Meredith replied.

"But why?" Cristina asked again.

Meredith and April laughed, "Well she's my sister. I can't just shut her out." Meredith said.

"I mean you can. You probably shouldn't. You know what? Don't listen to me." Cristina said.

Then, Jackson and Alex walked in. Immediately, April walked out. She looked pissed.

"Was that about the huge yelling match you two had last night?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, and now she won't talk to me." Jackson answered.

"What was it about?" Meredith asked.

"Religion and kids." Jackson murmured.

"Why were you even talking about that? Derek and I have talked about kids, but we're married." Meredith said.

Jackson scowled, "We were talking about future plans and it just came up, okay? I don't want to talk about it."

"O...kay" Meredith said, then walked out.

After their shift

"So Webber is gonna be splitting out shifts up? I thought he did that by original intern classes." Alex asked while getting in the car.

"We're understaffed so he has to. There's not much else to do." April replied while taking the seat furthest from Jackson.

"Okay, seriously guys. You can't keep doing this. You're ignoring each other and making everything difficult, I'm gonna have to sit in the middle now! I hate sitting in the middle!" Cristina complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is sitting in the middle a hardship for you? Do we have to tend to your every want and need?" April asked mockingly, she was very obviously pissed off. Cristina just rolled her eyes, she wasn't in the mood for this. They drove home and when they got there, April was the first one out and to her room.

"Dude, she's spiraling." Alex said to Jackson.

"Don't you think I noticed that, Karev?" Jackson snapped, walking away to go find April.

"April? Where are you?" Jackson called.

"Nope. Get away." April yelled from inside of her bedroom, the door was locked.

"April, come on."


Jackson sighed and walked away. She let herself out of her room to go get a snack, avoiding everyone's stares. Everyone else was in the living room when the doorbell rang, "I'll get it." Alex volunteered. When he got to the door, he saw Madelyn, "What are you doing here?" Alex asked as he opened the door.

"I came to see April. I need to talk to her." Madelyn said, "Can you let me in?"

Alex looked at Jackson then at Madelyn, "She's in the kitchen, refuses to talk to anyone, and is probably about to go lock herself back inside of her room. I don't think she's in the mood for visitors."

"Well she's gonna have to be in the mood for me." Madelyn said as she pushed past Alex and went to the kitchen to see April.


"Madelyn, why are you you here?" April said.

"I came to talk to you, but now I can see that you really need some Madelyn Magic, so I need you to listen, and talk to me."

April wasn't facing Madelyn this whole time and when she turned around Madelyn saw that her face was stained with tears, and she looked like a mess, "Oh, April. Come here." Madelyn pulled her into a hug, "Tell me what happened."

"Jackson and I were talking about future plans, right? We were only doing that because we're getting serious, and I mentioned how religion is a big thing in my life, and it just shut everything down. He said 'What religion would our kids be brought up in?' and I said 'Well, Christianity, right?' and he had a problem with it. He told be he didn't want to raise our children in a religion he didn't believe in, and he wasn't going to change who he was and what he believed. Then we had this huge yelling match and feelings got hurt, and now I refuse to talk to him. And it's killing me. I love him, Maddie. But I don't want to be with someone who doesn't love me for exactly who I am." April explained.

"April, he loves you. He doesn't agree with your religion, but that's okay. All that matters is that you two love each other. You can figure out the kids thing later, there's no reason to be stressing over it now."

April looked at Madelyn with teary eyes, "There is a reason."

Madelyn looked at April with wide eyes, "April, what exactly do you mean by that?"

After a minute of silence, April said quietly, "Maddie, I'm pregnant. And he doesn't know."

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