A Romantic Thanksgiving

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1 month later

Madelyn was out of the hospital, still recovering at home. The rest of the residents were just doing their thing. They were going to become third-year residents in about 3 months. Everyone was excited about that, and the fact that there's going to be a whole new intern class for them to boss around. Alex had been working with Addison Montgomery a lot, Addison and Derek had just gotten a divorce. Jackson had been starting to work with Mark Sloan, he loved it. April and George started to work with Owen Hunt just recently. Cristina and Teddy Altman had been working together. Meredith had been just jumping from neuro to general. Madelyn still wasn't back at work yet. As for relationships, they were a mess. Alex was still screwing nurses left and right. Meredith and Derek were together, for now. April, Madelyn, and Jackson were all single. On the bright side, Owen and Cristina were going strong. The day that is about to play out is Thanksgiving, so we know it's going to be a mess of feelings, food, friends, Lord knows what else.

The residents had the day off and were sleeping in. April's room was right beside Jackson's and she got woken up to Jackson having a nightmare (again) so she got up, went to his room, and threw a pillow at him. Jackson jumped awake, "What was that for?"

"I yelled from my room, tried to get you to wake up, but you wouldn't, so I decided to come throw a pillow at you." April said tiredly.

"Well, thanks for that," Jackson said sarcastically and then threw the pillow back at her.

"Hey!" April caught the pillow and started laughing. Jackson started laughing too. April looked at his alarm clock, "It's only 8:00? I had thirty more minutes of sleep until I had to start cooking." she complained.

"Sorry 'bout that. To make it up to you, I'll help." Jackson said while getting up.

"Have you ever cooked anything in your life?" April asked.

"Uh, no." Jackson said

April sighed, "You can help but I'm not gonna walk you through every single step, I have priorities."

"Yes ma'am." Jackson said while saluting. April started laughing and went to the kitchen. When she got there, she saw Cristina sleeping on the couch in the living room.

"Why is she here?" April asked Jackson, "Doesn't she live with Owen now?"

"I thought she did," Jackson said while shrugging. April got all of the stuff she needed to start cooking.

"Can you chop these up?" April asked Jackson while handing him some vegetables.

"Yeah. How long is this gonna take?" Jackson asked while starting to chop up the vegetables.

"However many hours it is until 6:00 PM." April said.

"Are you serious?"



April started laughing, "That works too." She continued cooking.

30 minutes later

George's family just showed up and took him to go hunt a turkey.

"Why are we helping again?" Cristina asked.

"Because I volunteered to help, and this is going to take 10 excruciating hours, so I decided to torture you guys too." Jackson said.

"That's just cruel." Alex said.

Madelyn was walking now so she could somewhat help, she was sitting and being the mixer.

"Why in the world would you volunteer to help? No offense, April." Cristina said.

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