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Message from the writer: This is a trigger warning for rape and attack, just like the last chapter. I advise you not to read if this may trigger you.

April and Meredith were in the gallery of Madelyn's surgery. Madelyn started coding.

April was freaking out, "Damn it, Hunt!" She hit the glass of the gallery, "Come on! Work harder guys!" she urged as she was tearing up.

"April, calm down. Come here. Just sit down, they've got it. They're attendings." Meredith said while looking at April.

April looked at Meredith with tears in her eyes, "Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down when my best friend is dying?!" April yelled. Meredith looked down.

"Look, Sloan and Avery are done with their part. They can give you can update." Meredith said, not bringing up the freak-out April just had.

April sniffled, "Okay... hey, I'm sorry. I just..." Meredith interrupted her.

"It's fine, I understand. Go check in with Sloan."

April left the gallery to find Mark and Jackson.

"Dr. Sloan? How is she?" April asked when she saw Mark.

"She's stable, for now. She coded, as you saw, but Hunt brought her back and they're continuing the surgery. They should be done soon, and then Der- Dr. Shepherd, will fix the hemorrhage." Mark informed.

"Thank you." April said while sitting down on the wall. Jackson sat down beside her as Mark walked away.

"I'm so sorry, April. I'm sorry that this happened to her, that you had to find her, just everything." Jackson said to April as he took his scrub cap off.

"No, you don't need to apologize. It was the dude who did it's fault. We need to catch that son of a bitch." April looked at Jackson, "Do you think he raped her?" she asked.

"I don't know. But we won't know anything until she wakes up."



"If she wakes up." April said and then starting crying again.

"April, she's gonna wake up. You have to hold onto hope." He said and then hugged her. April cried into his shoulder. He was a bit freaked out, but he didn't show it, he just wanted to make sure April was okay.

After all of the surgeries

April and Jackson were still outside of the OR's, April had fallen asleep on Jackson's shoulder. Derek came out of the OR and Cristina was still inside of the OR closing. Derek looked at Jackson and Jackson just shook his head signaling 'let her sleep'. Derek nodded his head and went to the ICU to wait on Cristina and Madelyn to get there.

One hour later

April jumped awake, "Oh, God. I'm so sorry. How long have I been asleep?"

Jackson chuckled and looked at his watch, "3 hours. It's okay, you were tired, you've had a long night. Madelyn is in the ICU, she isn't awake yet but you can go see her."

April smiled, stood up, and went to the ICU. Jackson soon followed. When he got in there, he saw all of the residents around her bed, including Alex surprisingly enough, and he sat down in a chair by George. They silently waited on Madelyn to wake up.

The next day

Madelyn started to wake up, and was choking on the tube that was down her throat. April looked up and widened her eyes, "Guys, she's waking up!" Derek was charting outside of the room when he saw and he ran in and took the tube out.

"Ow." Madelyn said while coughing. April was so relieved. Bailey came in and saw she was awake.

"Now, I know you guys want to talk to Madelyn, but I need to have a private conversation with her, and the police do too." Bailey said while holding something in her hand. They nodded their heads and walked out, all knowing what she was talking about.

"I know what this is." Madelyn managed to say while tearing up, "The guy. What he did." She looked to see what was in Miranda's hand, "No. I'm not doing that."

"Madelyn. It may help the police catch the guy, it could serve you and many other women justice."

"I said I'm not doing the damn rape kit!" Madelyn yelled. Miranda looked down and then back up and walked out. The residents had heard Madelyn yell, and saw Miranda walk out.

"She's not doing it?" April asked.

"No, she's not. She has made that very clear" Miranda replied.

April went in to talk to Madelyn, "Maddie, I'm so so sorry that this happened to you, and if I could go back and follow you to the bathroom so that maybe this wouldn't happen, I would. But I can't. And if that man has raped other women, women just like you, women who felt or are feeling just like you right now, you could help. You could help by doing this rape kit. You could help yourself and many other women to come."

Madelyn looked down, "April, I don't- I want to help, but I'm just so scared. I'm scared that people will think I was asking for it, or it was my fault, or that I'm lying."

"Yeah. There are gonna be those people, and guess what? They're ASSHOLES!" April said, Madelyn laughed a little.

Madelyn took a deep breath, "Okay, I'll do it." April hugged Madelyn.

"You are so strong." April said and walked out, getting Bailey to come in so she could do the kit.

2 hours later

Madelyn had talked to the police and was in her room sleeping. Alex, Cristina, George, April, and Jackson were all in an on-call room, just sitting and talking.

"Do you think they'll catch the guy?" Cristina asked.

"Oh, yeah. With this much evidence, and the amount of surveillance that has been put in Joe's over time, they'll catch the guy in a heartbeat." Jackson reassured. April was extremely tired and stressed out.

"We've been working here for 4 months, and one of us already is in a life threatening situation. Who woulda thought?" Alex said.

"I guess we can start calling it Seattle Grace Mercy Death." George said while chuckling, "But no one died. One of us is bound to die though right? You've heard the stories of the previous intern/resident classes, at least one of them each year ends up leaving due to a traumatic experience or kicks the bucket."

They all just looked at him. "Thanks for the lightheartedness, George." April said, "Listen guys, we have to stick by each other, we have to promise to be there for each other no matter what. Okay? Because I can't do this alone, I'm just now making a good solid friendship with a couple of you," She looked at George and Jackson, "I can't lose any of you guys. Please, just promise me this one thing."

They all nodded their heads, Alex shrugged.

Someone Call A Doctor [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now