And Then There Were Five

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1 month later

Things were really good with Jackson and April, they started officially dating 2 weeks before. Derek and Meredith were surprisingly still together. So were Cristina and Owen. Alex had sparked a new interest in Addison Montgomery, formerly known as Addison Shepherd. The feeling wasn't mutual, though. Arizona and April had developed a new friendship, and Arizona and Callie started dating.

At Meredith's house

All of the residents, except for George, were in the living room watching an old surgery that Meredith's mother did. They had just gotten home from a shift and were all eating burgers and visiting with each other. Then they heard a knock on the door, it was Derek.

"Hey! What a... surprise to see you here." Meredith said while opening the door.

Derek kissed her, "Yeah. Sorry it's so unexpected, there's just an issue at the hospital. I need to talk to all of you." Meredith was confused but went and sat down.

Derek came into the living room and told the residents this, "So, the attendings just found out that George signed up for the army."

"He WHAT?!" They all said in unison.

"The Chief let him have today and tomorrow off to get all of his stuff ready to go, say bye to his family, etc." Derek said, everyone just sat there shocked.

"What a dumbass." Alex finally said, everyone looked over at him with a 'Shut up, Karev' look.

"Well, we have to go to the hospital and talk him out of it, right?" Meredith said.

"Yeah, yeah. If we don't he's gonna leave without us getting to say our piece." April said while getting her coat. Everyone left to go to the hospital. When they got there, there was a trauma so they had to help with that before anything.

"John Doe, late 20's, hit and dragged by a bus." The paramedic said while wheeling the unidentifiable man in.

"Hit and dragged by a bus? How do you get yourself in that situation?" April said while tending to the patient.

"No idea. Hunt is on his way down now." Bailey said while tending to the patient as well, "Page neuro, cardio, plastics, and ortho."

Meredith walked over to him and he grabbed her hand, "Hey. You're okay. We're gonna take care of you."

The man was trying to write something on Meredith's hand, but she couldn't figure out what he was saying, "Sir we are going to take excellent care of you. You can try and write your name after surgery, okay?" Meredith said comfortingly.

7 hours later

The unidentified man was still unidentified. He had all of the surgeries done that he needed, and now the doctors were just trying to see if he would make it through the next 24 hours. Meredith walked into the man's room and he was awake.

"Hey. You're awake." Meredith said while walking over to him, "Do you want to try and write again?" she handed him a pen. He couldn't hold onto the pen so she took it and said, "Why don't you just try and write with your finger?"

The man kept trying to write with his finger, but Meredith couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

"O? Is that an O? O, O, what was that?" Meredith said while extremely confused, "O, O, 7...? Double O... 7. Oh, God. Oh, God!" Meredith said while taking his hand, the man, who she now knew who was, squeezed it. Meredith ran out of the room trying to find the attendings.

"John Doe is George! It's George!" Meredith yelled while trying to find the attendings. Madelyn and April saw her running down the hallway and started running trying to catch up with her. Meredith found Owen, Derek, Callie, Mark, and Bailey and said with her eyes filling with tears, "John Doe is George. It's George."

The attendings looked at her with wide eyes, Derek said, "Meredith, slow down. What do you mean John Doe is George? How do you know?"

All of the attendings were looking at Meredith waiting for her to answer, "He wrote it on my hand. He wrote 007 on my hand." Just then, April and Madelyn caught up with her, they had heard the 007 part.

"Oh my God." April said while putting her hands over her mouth in disbelief. The attendings immediately ran to George's room.

"O'Malley? Hey, listen we've got you. You're gonna be okay." Owen said, and then George started seizing. They quickly turned him on his side and when it was over Derek rushed him to CT.


"Damn it. He sparked a re-bleed. I have to go back in there and fix it." Derek said while looking at the films, "Karev, you'll assist." he announced, knowing the two weren't close.

In surgery

Madelyn, April, Jackson, Meredith, and Cristina were all in the gallery watching the surgery when George started coding.

"Oh, God. What happened?" April asked worriedly.

"He started hemorrhaging and his brain is swelling. Derek will probably be able to get it back down... hopefully." Meredith responded. Everyone was watching the operation closely, they were terrified. Just then, Derek stepped away from the table as George flatlined.

"No. No, no, no, no, no! Damn it!" April yelled as she stood up and paced around the gallery, tearing up. Cristina looked down, solemnly and sighed. Madelyn just sat there in shock, looking down into the OR. Meredith started tearing up but tried to hide it and ran out of the gallery, Cristina soon followed. Jackson stood up and tried to console April.

"April, there was nothing Derek could have done. He was too far gone." Jackson said, sadly.

"There was! Derek is a world-renowned neurosurgeon, don't you think he could have saved George? George got ran over by a bus for God's sake, how is that the thing that takes him out?" April said while still pacing and starting to cry.

"April, he did everything he could. Sometimes brains just swell in surgery and it causes irreversible damage. Just come on, let's go to a quieter place so you can calm down." Jackson said while trying to escort her out of the room.

"No. I'm- I can't. I can't do this. He was one of us. He was my friend. He-he was the best one. I can't do it." April said while sobbing and sinking down a wall.

"April- come on" Jackson said.

"No! Just leave me alone, Jackson."

Madelyn walked out of the gallery to go get some air, away from all of the screaming and crying. So did Jackson, trying to respect April's wishes. April sat there for the rest of the night, lost in her thoughts.

The next day

Everyone was at home, except for April, getting ready for work. They had noticed she hadn't come home but they assumed she fell asleep in an on-call room.

At the hospital

There was a groundbreaking neurosurgery that day, Derek and Meredith were operating, and everyone wanted to watch. They were operating in the same OR George died in the previous day, they had all wanted to take the day off today, but they decided that working may be a weird way to cope. The gallery flooded with surgeons, including Cristina, Alex, Jackson, and Madelyn, and when they walked in they saw April still sitting there, she was asleep, but she was in the exact same place she was the day before. Jackson looked at Cristina with his brow furrowed. She exchanged the same look. Madelyn looked at Alex with the same looks Cristina and Jackson had in their faces. Alex did too. April woke up due to the commotion and saw everyone looking at her, she felt like a fool. She hadn't been able to speak, move, or eat, since George died. She didn't know why she was taking it so hard, she just was. Jackson walked closer and said, "April, come on. You have to get up. This isn't healthy. We can talk, everything's gonna be okay."

April looked up at him, "No, it's not. He-he died. He got hit by a bus and died. The universe is so messed up! W-why would... why would that happen?"

"I-I don't know but April, but you have to get up. You can't stay in here forever." Jackson said while crouching down by her.

April stayed silent and put her head in her hands, she knew it would be okay eventually, but right now the earth was spinning off its axis.

"Babe, let's go." Jackson said while helping her up and taking her to the residents lounge.

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