Reconciliation... Or Not

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The residents were at lunch, all talking away. Madelyn wasn't at the table, she was eating with some of the nurses. Word had gotten around the hospital that Madelyn slept with Mark.

"Can you believe she slept with Sloan? Like seriously, I thought I couldn't hate her more." April said while taking a bite of her sandwich.

"But why Sloan? Like yeah, he's attractive, but really? Sloan? She could have picked someone better than the hospital's manwhore." Meredith said.

"Speaking of, we need to make up a McName for him. Derek has one, why not Sloan? What do you guys think?" Cristina said.

"I think it's a great idea. What about.... McSexy?" April asked.

"McSexy?" Cristina asked.

"No?" April asked in return.

"Mm-mm. What about McYummy?" Cristina said.

"No." April and Meredith said in unison.

Meredith looked in his direction, inspecting him, "McSteamy."

"Yep. That's the one." April and Cristina both said.

"Don't mind me just choking back some McVomit." Jackson said, jokingly. Alex laughed and nodded his head in agreement. Just then, Bailey rounded her residents up and told them about the new competition going on, before new residents came.

"One of you is going to get this sparkle pager," Bailey said while holding said sparkle pager up, "It may not look special, but trust me it is. If you win the sparkle pager, that means if there is a case that you want, you have the right to take it from another resident. Got it? And yes, before you all ask, you can use it to every advantage you would like. Big trauma? Best case. Cool case? Your name is on it. Any questions?"

The residents shook their heads. After Bailey left, Madelyn asked April to talk, pulling her off to the side.

April pulled her arm out of Madelyn's grasp, "What do you want?"

"April please just listen-" Madelyn said, trying to reason with April.

"I'm listening! What do you want?" April said, obviously annoyed, and her voice was raising.

"I just wanted to say sorry. These past few weeks without you have been excruciating. I slept with Mark Sloan for fuck's sake! April, you're my best friend and I don't want to lose you for good.... please just hear me out." Madelyn said, quieter than April was.

"I think you already have lost me for good." April said before turning on her heel and passing by her fellow residents who all saw what just happened.

"April!" Madelyn yelled, trying to get April to come back.

"No! I said I was done weeks ago and you're still trying with it! This is what happens when you kiss your best friend's boyfriend!" April screamed from down the hall. Everyone in that hallway was astounded, standing there quietly. Bailey heard everything that happened and walked out of the room she was just in.

"What has gotten into you people?! I am growing a human being inside of my body and you two are screaming about boys, and I have to deal with it? Pssh." Bailey said, while rolling her eyes. The residents scattered to go find something else to do.

The end of their shift

The residents were all in the locker room, when Jackson walked over to April, wrapping his arm around her waist, "Is everything okay? You've been really on-edge lately and it's starting to freak me out."

"Yeah, I'm fine." April said while sighing, "There's just so much going on, and I'm tired, and stressed, and just all over the place."

"Okay. Well if you every need to talk I'm here, you know that right?"

Someone Call A Doctor [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now