It's All Talk

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3 weeks later

April and Jackson worked all of their problems out and were happy again. On the other hand, April still hated Madelyn and refused to even look at her. Addison left to work at a private practice in LA, Alex was a bit bummed about that. Cristina and Owen broke up, no one knew if they were going to get back together. Meredith and Derek were happy though, that's good. Arizona and Callie were doing okay, they were still new and they were taking it slow, so it was somewhat volatile. The residents were going to become third-year residents in a month, and new interns were coming soon as well, so they were stoked about that. Our chapter starts with an extremely awkward situation in the bathroom...

April was in the shower, just her it seemed, when Arizona walked in.

"Arizona, what- why are you here? More importantly, why are you in the bathroom while I'm in the shower?" April asked while pulling a towel over the opening in the shower door.

"I think Callie and I just broke up. It was so weird. We were arguing, and she said "I'm done" so I don't know if she means with the relationship, the conversation, or what!" Arizona said while pacing around.

April laughed nervously, "Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe you should just... ask her?"

"I don't know. She'll think I'm stupid. Will she? This is a weird situation. This is weird."

"Yeah, it's pretty weird..." April said with confusion in her voice.

"I mean, we were arguing about the littlest thing! She got so pissed about it! I don't know what to do. What should I do?"

"Well, first, calm down. But um... can we talk about this later?"

"Yeah, yeah. Can I pee before I go?"

"Arizona, go downstairs."

"This is a shared space..."


"Oh- okay..." Arizona said and then left.

After Arizona left, April took her hand off of Jackson's mouth, as he was hiding behind the sliver of shower door and April, "Oh, my God." April said while laughing. Jackson started laughing too and then kissed April deeply.

Meanwhile in the living room

Alex, Meredith, Derek, Cristina, and Arizona were in the living room watching TV, talking, and eating dinner. Cristina moved in after her and Owen had broken up, and Madelyn moved out and found a new place, as she was in bad terms with everyone she was living with. Derek moved in too, as him and Meredith were getting serious.

"This dude is stupid, he should have said elephant." Cristina said while pointing at the TV, they were watching Family Feud.

"Hey, where's Kepner?" Derek asked while taking a bite out of his burger.

"She's in the shower. I just went in there and she was in there." Arizona said.

"I thought Avery was in the shower." Alex said while furrowing his brow.

"Oh, my God. You have got to be kidding me right now. Did I just..?" Arizona said while facepalming. Meredith and Cristina started laughing.

"Did you not see him?" Cristina asked.

"No! I didn't look like anyone else was in there!" Arizona said while laughing. Then, April came from upstairs, hair damp, in her pajamas. Everyone looked at her.

"What?" April said, laughing nervously because she saw the looks on everyone's faces. She walked over and took a burger out of the bag.

"So, did you have a good shower?" Meredith asked mischievously.

"Uh.... yeah? Is this some sort of trick question?" April said before taking a bite out of her burger.

"Good. Good. That's good. Was it... better than usual?" Meredith asked. Everyone else was snickering silently, trying to hide it.

"Um- no. Why are you asking me about my shower?" April said, then looked at Arizona, asking 'what's going on' with her eyes. Just then, Jackson came downstairs, he noticed the awkward aroma of the room while coming over and taking the last burger out of the bag.

"What's going on down here?" Jackson asked while unwrapping his burger, then looking at April who seemed uncomfortable and confused.

"Oh, nothing. We're just trying to find out some details." Cristina said.

"About my shower?!" April asked, appalled. Alex and Arizona started laughing a little, because they realized she didn't know what they knew. Then, April realized what was going on.

April looked at Arizona, eyes wide, "You- what? Why? How? I thought- oh my god..." April's face flashed a deep shade of red. Everyone started laughing uncontrollably.

"So... on that note, how was your shower?" Meredith asked while smiling the same smile she had earlier.

April's mouth gaped at Meredith's repeated question, "I-I am not talking about this with you." She put her half-eaten burger down and walked back upstairs.

"Good job, guys." Jackson said while rolling his eyes and following April upstairs. He found her in her room cleaning.

"Why are you cleaning?" Jackson asked with a confused expression appearing on his face.

"I clean when I'm upset. And I'm upset." April said passive-aggressively while picking up everything off her floor and getting her laundry together. She found a pair of Jackson's boxers by her hamper and threw them at him.

"Hey! What was that for?" Jackson asked playfully while smiling, trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't know! I'm just mad at everything! Madelyn, everyone downstairs, my mom." April said while taking her hamper to the laundry room, with Jackson close in pursuit. His light-heartedness obviously didn't work.

"Why are you mad at your mom?" Jackson asked, still freaked out my her obsessive cleaning.

"I told her I was dating someone. She was happy. Then she got into this whole lecture about pre-marital sex, and Jesus, and all of those things and I'm mad! At myself, at her, ugh!" April ranted loudly as she threw her laundry into the washer. Jackson didn't know what to say, he wanted to comfort her, but he felt that this was partly his fault.

"Is there anything I can do?" Jackson asked, he was scared to talk in fear of a huge explosion from April.

"You can stop looking like a damn Greek God! But that's not gonna happen is it?" April said, louder than expected while starting the washing machine, then going the upstairs bathroom to clean the counters. Everyone heard what she said, because she yelled it, and started laughing really hard in the living room. Jackson followed April, suppressing a laugh.

Meanwhile at Madelyn's new apartment

"That was amazing." Madelyn said, while laughing and looking at Mark Sloan beside her in her bed.

"What can I say? I know what I'm doing." Mark said, out of breath, "Anyways, I gotta go. See you tomorrow?"

"Oh, yeah sure." Madelyn said while watching him get dressed and leave. She knew that sleeping with the infamous Mark Sloan was probably a bad idea, but she did it anyway. None of her friends liked her, numerous rumors were being spread, what did she have to lose? Come to find out, she had a lot to lose.

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