The Funeral

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1 week later

It was the day. George's funeral. April and Meredith were set to speak, they were each going to recite a poem. A lot of things had happened in the past week, drama, sadness, people kissing other people who are in a relationship. That being said, let's dive into what exactly happened.

At the funeral

They had arrived at the funeral, in separate cars. April, Alex, Cristina, Arizona, and Callie in one, and Jackson, Madelyn, Meredith, Derek, and Mark in another. The rest were coming in different cars. They all took a seat and got ready for their parts. It was April's turn to recite the poem, she walked up to the front, trying to not cry, "George was a dear friend of mine, and I am going to miss him so much, but I wanted to read this poem to help celebrate his life, and remember that this is not the end... When I come to the end of the road, and the sun has set for me, I want no rites in a gloom filled room, why cry for a soul set free?" She then went back to her seat and Meredith came up.

"George was a dear friend of mine too, and I wanted to share this poem because it really reminded me of what George would have wanted, he didn't like sadness, he liked for everyone and everything around him to be happy, and that's what I want to instill here, You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he has lived." Meredith went back to her seat. The rest of the service was beautiful, and when it finished all of the residents went over to sit by a tree for a little while. After they sat down Alex started laughing.

Jackson looked over at him and said, "What the hell, Karev?"

Alex continued laughing and said, "O'Malley got hit by a bus." Then, Cristina and Meredith started laughing. April, Jackson, and Madelyn were still extremely weirded out.

April looked at them and still wasn't laughing, "Yeah, he got hit by a bus..." She then realized what was so funny about it and started laughing as well. Jackson and Madelyn started laughing, too.

"The curse lives on." Cristina said while laughing.

April was still laughing really hard, "You know what else is funny? Madelyn kissed my boyfriend."

Madelyn immediately stopped laughing, so did Jackson. April was still laughing a little. Alex, Cristina, and Meredith didn't register what she had said but when they saw the look on Madelyn's face they stopped.

"What are you talking about?" Madelyn asked.

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I've kept quiet for the past 24 hours since it happened, but I'm tired of it. You kissed my boyfriend knowing we were together! What the hell is wrong with you?" April said. She had known what happened because she saw it happen, she came up the stairs from the kitchen and saw Madelyn kiss Jackson. She wasn't as mad at Jackson because she saw that it was all Madelyn's doing, and Jackson pulled away. She was mad at Jackson, though, because he hadn't told her about it. Madelyn was speechless. Cristina and Meredith looked down and then at each other, then at April, then at Madelyn, then at Jackson, wondering what was gonna happen.

Alex finally spoke up, "What the hell dude?" he said while looking at Jackson.

Jackson looked at Alex and said, "I didn't do anything! She kissed me, not the other way around."

Madelyn still hadn't said anything and everyone was looking at her.

"So? Do you have anything to say?" April said.

"April, I'm sorry. I didn't..." Madelyn said.

April cut her off while laughing at her, "You're sorry?  You're sorry. Are you serious? Oh that's hilarious. If you're so so sorry then why did you do it?"

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