In Another Life, I Would Be Your Girl.

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Note from the author: Y'all are gonna hate me for this. That's all I wanted to say. But forewarning you guys are going to DESPISE me :)

1 week later

"April, you have to call your family. It's been a week."

"No, Jackson. I'm not calling my family. They're gonna come here and be overbearing. I don't want them here!" April said. She was raising her voice. Her temper had been very short this past week.

"Come on." Jackson reasoned.

"No! I'm not calling them."

"Then I will." Alex's voice sounded. He was at the door this whole time, but neither of them noticed him.

"Alex, you don't have to." Jackson said, he then lowered his voice, "She's gonna hate you."

"I'd rather have her hate me than hate you. Just let me do this." Alex said, his voice the same level as Jackson's.

"Alex, I swear if you call them I will kill you." April warned.

"I would like to see you try." Alex remarked, motioning to all the machines hooked up to her.

"Asshole." April insulted, rolling her eyes and scoffing at Alex.

"Bitch." Alex returned. Jackson looked at him with a pissed look on his face, "Calm down. See, you gotta return the favor. Especially when there's something that the other person's doing to deserve having the favor returned. Honestly, right now I'm just messing with her to get underneath her skin."

"Now that's assholey." Jackson said.

"No, I'm doing it because she needs to give in. And she'll give in if she feels overpowered. It's psychology." Alex explained.

"Since when did you become a psychiatrist?" Jackson asked.

"Since right now." Alex responded, "Now, I just have to get her phone... and it looks like she's not letting go of it any time soon." They both looked over and April had a death grip on her phone. Her phone was the only thing with her family's numbers on it, no one else had them on speed dial. Alex walked over to her and began to try and get a hold on the phone.

"I will hit you over the head with this chart, Karev. Don't think I won't." April threatened.

They were both trying to pull it towards themselves like children, "Give. It. To. Me." Alex said sternly in between pulls.

"In. Your. Dreams. Evil Spawn." April shot back in between her share of pulls.

"You guys are going to break the damn phone." Jackson said.

"Not if I-" Alex did a weird little twisty thing and got the phone out of April's hands, "Do that." He thought for a minute, "Oh damnit I have to figure out her password...."

Alex sat there for a second, "What's her birthday?"

"April 23rd, 1982." Jackson responded, and April looked at him in disbelief.

"Why would you tell him that?" She asked.

"Because we need to call your family." Jackson replied, with a smile. Alex unlocked her phone and stepped outside to call her parents.

"You suck!" April yelled from inside the room as he walked out.

"I know!" Alex called. Jackson snickered.

"You suck too." April told Jackson.

"I know." He replied, and planted a kiss on her head before walking out the door.

Someone Call A Doctor [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now