Locker Room Brawl

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Maddie and April woke up the next morning extremely hungover. April didn't want to get out of bed but Maddie made her. "Maddieeee!" cried April, "Can't we just skip? Call in sick?"

"No. We'll get fired. Everyone else is gonna be hungover too. Deal with it." Maddie argued. April rolled her eyes and got up. They got themselves together and left.

"So Maddie... do you like anyone?" April asked while they were in the car. Maddie looked at April confused.

"Why- You know what? I'm not even gonna start on that. No, I don't. Now stop acting like we're in 7th grade, because we're not. But do you like anyone?" Maddie asked while smiling.

"Maybe. No. No. I don't. Yes. No. No, I don't." April responded, with very mixed messages, obviously.

"Well do you or not?"

"I don't know! I'm confused. I might. I might not. I mean I can't deny he's hot. Because he is very very hot. I don't want to like someone already, we're only on the second day."


They pull into the parking lot and go inside the locker room. Everyone is there. They both put their things in their lockers.

"Kepner, you were pretty drunk last night. By the looks of it, you regret it?" Cristina asked while chuckling a bit. Alex laughed a little too.

"Yeah, you went a bit cage fighter on me last night. Not gonna lie, it was kinda hot." Alex said. Jackson glared at him and started to say something but then they heard someone else speak.

"I really think you need to shut up, right now. You kinda just admitted to thinking that a woman who was not in the correct mental state to be making informed decisions was doing something 'hot' when she probably wasn't intending to be. Therefore, you really need to shut up." George said, emerging from behind his locker. He had heard the whole thing, and seen what happened the night before. Madelyn gave George a high-five and went to the bathroom, and everyone just sat back taking it what just happened.

"O'Malley speaks up for his little crush. Aw. How adorable. You know what I don't find adorable though? How you just accused me of taking advantage!" Alex said while getting closer to George, angrily.

"Okay, okay. Everyone needs to calm down. George, good job. I'll give you a high-five in a second, but right now I need to make sure Alex doesn't punch your face in." Jackson said while stepping in between them and pushing Alex back a bit. April was just standing by her locker, confused, scared, and pissed. Cristina was taking this whole thing in, eating her chips, and laughing to herself. Meredith was right by Cristina's side.

"Why do you give a damn? Back off Pretty Boy." Alex snarkily said to Jackson.

"I care because..." Alex interrupted him and George came in too and everything exploded into yells and arguing.

"OH MY GOD EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!" April yelled after a minute or two of the guys bickering. "All of you, shut the hell up!" Everyone stopped yelling and looked at her, astounded. Even Cristina and Meredith. "I am tired of hearing it! Alex was an ass, Alex is an ass. We all know it, why are we fighting about it? George, you're nice. Your face is great, don't get it messed up that asshole just because you want to stand up for me because I was drunk last night. Jackson, thanks for stepping in, thanks for caring, but you also have a nice face, and we all know that Alex would punch you, mess up your face, and then you would whoop his ass. So your face would get messed up for nothing! So everyone, just shut up, go your separate ways, and forget about it!"

Cristina started clapping and cheering "Way to go, Kepner!"

All three of the ladies looked at the guy's reactions and busted out laughing. Madelyn walked in and had heard the whole thing and started laughing as well when she saw their faces. Jackson went ahead and gave George the high-five he promised him while hanging his head down kinda low. Just as the guys were about to leave, Bailey walked in and sassily said, "Rounds in five, you better be ready."

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