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Quick message: Yes, I know the timeline is somewhat messed up because they just became third years and now they're about to become fourth years, but I really need this to speed up because I've got ideas so we're just gonna pretend like the timeline isn't severely messed up... sound good? I hope so :)

One month later

It's been a while since we've checked in with our favorite people! So let's see what they're up to... Alex and Arizona have been working hard on their Africa program, and it's going well. Speaking of, Meredith and Derek have been trying to adopt one of the children who came over... that's had its ups and downs. Jackson and Lexie were still going strong... take that as you will. Cristina and Owen's wedding is scheduled for next week! Yay? Everyone has very mixed feelings about that. Callie and Arizona are together... I think. Their relationship is kind of rocky at the moment because... you know, Callie is 4 months pregnant with Mark's baby. Speaking of Mark, he's been doing... well... going it alone. Without Lexie. I think. She thinks. Anyway, April's been having a rough time. After she caught Alex in bed with that resident... Wilson, I believe, she's been a bit angry. Not that they were together, she was just caught off guard, and what if Alex didn't tell her? STD's are a thing, you know. The whole thing with Jackson too, they're friends... mostly. Definitely not the same as it was, but they can confide in each other and trust one another. Everyone has noticed she's been a bit off lately, though. Alrighty, I think I went over everyone and their relationships... not necessarily friendships or mental health statuses... but it's fine.

April was coming out of the ER, not paying attention, she had to get this other paper to Hunt. Yes, another one. Since he became chief she has been his second-hand man... woman. She took the shortcut that she always took to get from the ER to his office, and just didn't think about it. When she got to the supply room that was in the middle of her shortcut she realized where this was. She was where she found Madelyn's body months before. She froze. She hadn't been back through here since it happened. Just then, Jackson came through and saw her standing there frozen, looking at the floor.

"April, are you okay?" He asked, walking up to where she was.

She was silent for a second, "This is where- where I found Madelyn."

"Oh, God-" Jackson said before she cut him off.

"I haven't been back through here since it happened. I wasn't thinking and I- I just." April said as she began to cry.

"Hey, it's okay," Jackson said as he hugged her.

April stayed there and cried for a minute and then "got herself together" and pulled away, "I gotta- I gotta go." Then she walked away quickly.

Instead of going to Owen's office immediately, she went into another supply closet down the hall and began crying again. She missed Madelyn so badly. All she wanted to do was tell her how sorry she is and how much she loves her. But she can't.

10 minutes later

"Dr. Hunt?" April said while knocking on the door.

"Come in," Owen said while looking up.

"I- um- I finished the paper," April said while handing him. 

"Great. Thanks, Kepner." He said while studying her closely.

April laughed a little, "What?"

Owen said very casually while putting some paper in order, "You were crying. You okay?"

"Oh- um, yeah. I'm fine."

"I've heard "I'm fine" before. What's wrong?"

April sighed, "It's really nothing. I'm okay."

Owen just sat there, not believing a word she said until she gave up, "I walked through where Madelyn got shot

"Oh, April you could've told me. I know you two were like sisters, and it can't be easy."

"It's not. No one understands though, I've tried talking to Meredith and Lexie, I've tried talking to Alex, I've tried crying, none of it works. None of them understand what it's like to trip over your dead lifelong best friend's body. I mean, not that many people would, but still."

"I know what it's like."

"What?" April said, and was very confused.

"I lost my sister. She got on a helicopter and then the helicopter disappeared. We searched for months, years even, but we never found her."

"God, Owen, I'm so sorry I had no idea."

"No, don't do that. You lost a sister too, we're relating to each other.  But listen, you might not ever get closure. I know I didn't, but you can talk to people who know what it's like, you can do whatever you need to cope as long as it's not hurting anyone or yourself. You can always talk to me, you know that right?"

April was tearing up, "Yeah, I do. I just- no one in my life is making it better. Lexie's being a bitch and she's dating my ex. Meredith and Cristina are just all dark and twisty so I can't get any help from them. Alex was helping until he- nevermind. Arizona is starting a family so I can't burden her with all of my dead relative problems. And Jackson- he can't help me. He's trying, but he can't."

"Why not?" Owen asked, obviously not knowing about all of the drama that revolved around April and Jackson.

"Owen-" April sighed, "I broke his heart because of my dumbass family."

Owen was visibly confused so April quickly explained, "When I was in the hospital my family came and told me they would disown me and basically religiously...  and emotionally shun me if I didn't break up with him. So I did, idiot move, I know, and that was that."

"And how are Alex and Lexie involved in all of this?"

"I don't wanna get into that right now," April said, and as if on queue, both of their pagers beeped.

Owen looked at his pager and stood up, "Incoming trauma. Let's go." Then they left.

Someone Call A Doctor [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now