Tales of Lost Time

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"Charge to 350! Clear!" Bailey yelled while defibrillating Madelyn, "She's back!" Just then, all of the residents came running in, they had heard what happened. "I just got her back," Bailey said, exhausted due to doing CPR.

"What happened?!" April asked.

"I don't know. She just started coding. We might want to page Dr. Altman." Bailey said while walking out.

"Someone wants to die really badly, don't they?" Alex asked. April shot him a look. Just then, Dr. Teddy Altman and Dr. Shepherd walked in. Meredith rolled her eyes and walked out.

"Oh look! It's McBastard!" Cristina said while looking at Derek. April and George laughed a little and Jackson and Alex tried not to. Derek just looked over at them like 'WTF?'. Teddy started doing a cardio workup.

"I want an EKG and constant monitoring." Teddy said. Cristina immediately volunteered to do it and Teddy let her. Derek did his routine neuro workup and walked out. Right after he walked out everyone burst out laughing.

"That was the most awkward silence I've ever experienced!" April said while laughing. Everyone else was laughing too hard to say anything.

"I can't breathe!" George said while clutching his stomach and laughing. Now everyone was laughing at George's reaction and couldn't stop.

Two days later

All of the residents were in Madelyn's room waiting for something important to do. Looking to make conversation, Jackson said, "Karev how old were you your first time?"

Without even thinking about the question, Alex answered, "Fifteen. School nurse. Back of her car."

"Fifteen. That's impressive." Jackson replied.

"When I was sixteen she taught me how to drive that same car." Alex said while laughing.

"Sophomore in high school, Paul Waxman, had absolutely no idea what he was doing." Meredith laughed. April was obviously a little uncomfortable.

"Junior prom, Sarah Richardson and Penny Caroway, together." He whistled, "I knew exactly what I was doing." Jackson said. Cristina looked over at him scowling and then looked around.

"Nineteen." Cristina said.

"Nineteen?" Alex asked.

"Mm-hmm. I was very focused on my studies, it was my Chem TA, he was a whole head shorter than me but man he was smart."

"Eighteen. Houseparty." George said while charting.

"Ooh. Seventeen. At my house, we were 'studying'. It was a mess. Ask April, I called her on the phone crying after he left. It was horrid." Madelyn said while laughing. April raised her eyebrows and then tried to walk away. Alex scowled and Jackson raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, April!" Jackson said clearly meaning for her to tell about her first time.

"I'm not talking about this. It's a priv-private memory." April said and then took a drink of water.

"What happened, did the guy die?" Alex asked. Meredith looked at Alex, shocked.

"Alex!" Meredith said. Alex started laughing.

"Did it last like three seconds so you don't know if it counted?" Cristina asked.

"No." April said trying to brush it off.

"Hm." Cristina said.

"Uh- it was on the beach, at sunset, it was beautiful."

Jackson chuckled a little, "Sunset? Really?"

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