Katie Bryce

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Dr. Bailey and the residents bolt to the ER. There are doctors and nurses everywhere, rushing to patients, putting in I.V.'s, and frantically running around.

"There's a trauma, that means that you guys need to stay out of the way, unless you are needed, I ask you to assist or do something, or another surgeon specifically requests a second-year resident. Got it? Make yourselves useful!" Bailey says as she's putting on her trauma gown and gloves. Bailey and the interns run over to the ER doors where the paramedics come in with a teenage girl.

"Katie Bryce, 15-year-old female, new onset seizures, intermittent for the past week! I.V. lost en route, started Grand Mal seizing about 1 minute ago." The paramedic said as they rushed her to a trauma room.

Bailey yelled, "Get her on her side! Grey, 10 milligrams diazepam I.M. Karev, page neuro! Yang, page cardio. No, *looks at April* the white lead is on the right! Righty, whity, smoke over fire! Avery, large bore I.V. Don't let the blood hemolyze. And you, *points to Madelyn* listen to what Dr. Altman here says, and do it."

"Dr. Bailey, let's shotgun her." Dr. Altman says.

"That means every test in the book- CT, CBC, Chem-7, Tox screen. Madelyn, get Katie a CT, she's your responsibility now. April, run labs. Meredith, patient work-ups." Bailey says.

"What about me? What do I get to do?" Alex asks.

"Oh, honey. You get to do rectal exams." Bailey replies.

Madelyn takes Katie up for a CT after April takes her blood and urine samples. She keeps getting lost, but finally finds her way to CT. "This makes no sense. Her CT is completely clean" Madelyn says to herself.

"Dr. Bailey, Katie Bryce's labs came back clean. There's nothing there to explain her seizures." April says to Bailey outside of an O.R. Bailey looks a bit concerned but just says okay. "I- um- I heard that every year the attending on-call let's a resident assist on a surgery during the first shift."

"Get away from me. Now."

All of the interns are doing their assigned things when Madelyn runs into April. "Did you see anything abnormal on the labs?" Madelyn asks.

"Nope. Did you see anything on the CT?"

"What? There was nothing on the labs?! There was nothing on the CT either! What is wrong with this poor girl?"

4 hours later

Madelyn joins April and Alex at the lunch table and starts eating. "I cannot figure out what is wrong with this girl for the life of me." Madelyn says.

"Sucks for you." Alex says.

"What an ass. *looks at Madelyn* You'll figure it out, I promise." April says.

Everyone else but Meredith comes to sit down and start talking.

"Did you know that Meredith's mom is THE Ellis Grey?" Cristina asks everyone.

"THE Ellis Grey? No way." George says, blown away.

"Yeah. Crazy right?" Cristina replies. Madelyn and April look at Cristina in disbelief. Then, all of the resident's pagers go off and they run to the conference room they got paged to. Sitting there is world-renowned Neurosurgeon, Derek Shepherd.

"Katie Bryce. None of the Neurosurgeons here can figure out what is wrong with her, even me, shocking right? I want each of you to research possible things that could be wrong with her and whoever gets it right gets to scrub in with me." Derek announces to the residents. They immediately go running to the library, where all of the case files are and computers too. They are all researching when Madelyn over hears Meredith and Cristina talking about how Meredith had slept with Derek the previous night. She was shocked, and angry, but then she heard that Meredith had no idea he was her boss, which Madelyn didn't exactly believe. Madelyn walks over to April and told her about what she heard, but made her promise not to tell anyone, for Meredith's sake. April was just as shocked as Madelyn but believed the part about Meredith not knowing Derek was her boss.

"Well, she's lived in Boston most of her life, Dr. Shepherd just moved here from New York, there's no way that Meredith could have known he was her boss! Unless she's like a weird stalker.... but I don't get stalker vibes from her." April says to Madelyn.

"I guess you're right." Madelyn says and then they both see Meredith and Cristina run out of the library. "I think they got it." Madelyn said as she started laughing.

40 hours later

All of the interns return to the locker room, yawning, stretching, and overall looking super tired. "That was amazing, but I'm so tired..." April says while grabbing her things. Everyone silently agrees with her.

"Yeah, I didn't notice." Alex says snarkily. Jackson shoots him a dirty look.

"You really are an ass aren't you?" Jackson says to Alex while getting his things as well. Alex slams his locker door and walks out angrily. April and Madelyn start laughing.

"Someone's grouchy." April says while laughing. "Also, thanks for that. Standing up for me, I mean."

"No problem." Jackson reassures as he walks out. All of the other residents walk out as well, except for Meredith.

Madelyn looks back at Meredith and says "You coming?"

"Yeah, I'm coming. You guys go ahead."

Madelyn walks out with everyone else, laughing and talking. Outside of the hospital, Meredith runs to catch up with everyone else and starts laughing and talking as well.

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