I Didn't Mean To Say I Love You

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2 weeks later

"So you were impaled by an icicle and he came with his soldier-man demeanor and saved you?" April said while laughing.

"Yeah," Cristina said while drinking some wine. To give you some context, Owen and Cristina just got married. Everyone's at the reception sharing stories, eating snacks, and drinking alcohol.

"So why the red dress?" Lexie asked Cristina.

"The last time I tried to get married in a white dress I got left at the altar... so I gave up on those."

"Oh. Well then..." Lexie asked then turned and walked away to go mingle.

April and Meredith laughed at Lexie's reaction, but April tried, and failed, to hide it. Jackson, Alex, Owen, Mark, and Derek were all on the couch talking, "You guys gonna have kids?" Alex asked Owen.

"We've talked about it. I want kids but I'm not sure about her." Owen informed them looked at Derek, "How's the adoption going?"

"Good so far. We've experienced a few roadblocks but we're getting closer." Derek said with a smile.

"That's great," Jackson said, and the rest of the guys agreed. Last week it was April that was acting weird, but this week it's Jackson.

"Are either of you ever gonna have kids?" Mark asked both Jackson and Alex.

At the same time, each man said a different thing, "With who?" Jackson asked. "Hell no," Alex said. Mark, Owen, and Derek looked between the pair and Derek decided to interrogate Jackson further.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Derek asked.

"What?" Jackson retorted.

"The whole "with who" thing. What do you mean by that?" Mark asked, taking the words right out of Derek's mouth.

"Oh- uh, nothing. I was just wondering if you meant like future, past, or current partners." Jackson responded dodgily.

Owen looked at him with a confused face, "What..."

"Just- nothing. Forget I even said anything." Jackson said while walking to the kitchen where he found Meredith and said, "I'm an idiot."

Meredith laughed, "What'd you do?"

"God, everything. I can't- I'm so damn indecisive." Jackson complained after sighing.

"Indecisive about what exactly?" Meredith asked skeptically while opening a new bottle of wine.

"I've said too much," Jackson said while leaning up and he began to walk out.

"Is this about April?" Meredith then asked quickly before he left.

Jackson spun around on his heel, "What?"

"You heard me. That's why you turned around." Meredith said wittily.

"I'm with Lexie," Jackson said defensively.

"Derek was with Addison when he and I fell in love," Meredith informed.

"It's not the same thing. Lexie is your sister, shouldn't you be on her side?" Jackson asked.

"Oh, so there are sides now? I can get so much out of people without even trying." Meredith said while laughing.

"You are a demon from hell," Jackson said through gritted teeth.

Meredith laughed, "I know. But seriously, if you love April at least let Lexie down slowly."

"I'm not in love with April!" Jackson told her while walking out.

3 days later

Cristina and Owen? On their honeymoon. Meredith and Derek? Middle of an adoption... trial? April? Alone and not thriving. Alex? With an intern now? No one knows what's going on with him. Lexie and Jackson? Complicated, but to simplify it Lexie is suspicious of Jackson because he's being... weird. Callie and Arizona? Thriving with a bun still in the oven.

April was grabbing coffee from the pot when Jackson and Lexie came in, arguing.

"Just tell me what's going on!" Lexie said while walking in the kitchen, seemingly not seeing April.

"There's nothing going on! I've told you this over and over again!" Jackson argued back, also not seeing April.

"Are you cheating on me?" Lexie asked interrogatively. April's eyes widened, how had they not seen her?

"What? No! Why would you-" Jackson began but then April cleared her throat, making her presence known.

Lexie looked up, "How long have you been here?"

"The... the whole time..." April replied wearily.

"I- how did neither of us see you?" Jackson asked.

"I don't- don't ask me. Ask yourself and question your peripheral vision." April quipped then slide past them and walked out. Jackson and Lexie looked at each other then quietly went on with their mornings.

Later that day

Jackson and April were both in the lounge getting ready to leave the hospital, they were the only two left, "What was that this morning?" April asked.

"What do you mean?" Jackson asked while pulling on his sweatshirt.

"With you and Lexie. What's wrong?" April asked, she was trying to be caring but it was a bit weird with their history.

"April, it's really nothing. Like I told Lexie, it's nothing."

"I know when something's bothering you and this is one of those times. You don't have to be honest with me if you don't want to be, but you can always talk to me."

"That's not a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because I love you, April." Jackson blurted out.

April froze, "W-what?"

"I never stopped. I got with Lexie to get over you, and that obviously didn't work, so-"

"Jackson, stop. You don't love me. Even if you do, you can't. Please, just don't." April said while finishing packing up the rest of her stuff, "This never happened." She said while walking out.

"April, wait-" Jackson began while April started to walk out the door.

April turned around, "It never happened." Then she shut the door and left.

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