Mr. Brightside

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Note from the author: K so this chapter is heavily, and I mean HEAVILY influenced by the song "Mr. Brightside". Hence, the name. Saying that, if you know the song and you're like "omg this is like really similar" don't be alarmed. That's the point.

The next day

Shared spaces... they're awkward, crowded, and annoying. That's all I've got to say.

April walked into the bathroom in the hall and everyone was in there. By everyone, I mean this bathroom looked like the Dixie Stampede. Alex was in the shower, Lexie was brushing her hair and doing her makeup, Jackson was brushing his teeth, Meredith was trying and failing to curl her hair... that's a first.

"You know what? I'll come back later." April said turning on her heel to leave.

"Wait, no, April come here. How do you get the hair the stay on the curler?" Meredith asked while in the process of almost burning her hair off.

"Woah, woah, woah. Stop. Give me the curling iron." April said quickly, "Your hair is steaming."

"Oh-" Meredith said.

"Let me do it. It shouldn't take long." April offered while starting on Meredith's hair, "Why are you curling your hair anyway?"

"Derek and I have that trial thing for Zola because... you know..."

"You kidnapped her?" Alex said finishing Meredith's sentence.

"Yeah. That." Meredith replied.

April cleared her throat, "What are you wearing?"

"Just a fancy dress shirt and a skirt. Nothing too eccentric but it still looks like I care." Meredith answered.

"You own skirts?" Lexie asked.

"No, of course not. I'm stealing one of yours." Meredith said.

April laughed and Lexie just accepted her fate. Then April said, "Okay, I'm almost done."

"Already?" Meredith asked.

"I grew up with 3 sisters and I was the only one who could do hair well, I've gotten good."

"Fair enough," Meredith said.

5 hours later

April, Arizona, and Alex were all eating lunch together in a lounge. April was kind of keeping to herself while Alex and Arizona talked, pitching in every couple of minutes.

"Isn't that crazy? I just never thought Lisa would even remotely go for Sloan." Arizona gossiped.

"Not gonna lie, she totally had a thing for me last year so I'm not surprised," Alex commented. April kind of picked at her food and Alex looked at her, "Aren't you gonna say something about that? You've always got something to say about my ex-life."

April laughs without saying anything else besides, "Ex-life."

Alex and Arizona shared a look, "Okay, what's your deal?" Alex asked.

"I don't have a deal. What's your deal?" April asked defensively.

Arizona then pitched in, "You've been acting weird all day. What is it?"

April didn't respond and instead asked a question back, "How long did Sloan and Grey date for?"

"A year, why?" Arizona answered.

"Just wondering," April said while looking back down at her barely touched food.

Alex and Arizona shared a look, again, "What, did Grey do something?" Alex asked.

April laughed, "Oh, no. Quite the opposite actually."

"Sloan?" Alex asked and April shook her head.

"Jackson?" Arizona asked right after. April flickered her eyes up then down.

"So it's Avery. What'd he do this time?" Alex asked.

"You know I've been doing fine, right? Without him." April said, finally looking up.

This caught both Arizona and Alex's attention and they looked at her and nodded. She then continued on, "How did it- how did this all happen?"

"How did what all happen?" Arizona asked, "Speak English."

April teared up, "It's all in my head. I know it is. It has to be. Yet I say that and she's still touching his chest, he's still-" She didn't finish her sentence.

Arizona and Alex looked at each other then back at April and Arizona grabbed her hand, "It's okay. I know."

"He told me he loves me. He told me he loved me the other day and then I see that. I see him being so in love with her. It's killing me! It makes me sick! I don't think you guys understand! Seeing the person you- you love being that way with someone else kills you! Why can't he just let me go? I need him to let me go!" April told them as she started getting more and more worked up.

Neither Arizona nor Alex knew what to say, then April started again, "It takes control! I see him and I can't breathe! I feel like I'm going to throw up knowing all of this shit! It's pure jealousy!"

Arizona was about to open her mouth and say something but April started again, "It was only a kiss. All it was was a stupid fucking kiss on Thanksgiving, and now this. I never- I never thought this would happen."

"It's not your fault, April," Alex told her.

April looked at him with her tear-stained face and wiped it, "I just have to open my eyes and look on the bright side. Not sure there is one, but you can always find one, can't you?" Then she got up and left. Alex and Arizona looked at each other one last time with very worried looks.

4 hours later

April drove Alex, Jackson, and Lexie home then escaped to her room. Meredith and Derek were in the living room talking to Lexie and Jackson.

"Why did the trial get cancelled?" Jackson asked.

"Something about the paperwork. I don't know. Our social services lady is gonna contact us as soon as she knows something." Meredith said, rubbing her temples from the headache everyone presumed she had.

"God, Mer, I'm sorry." Lexie said.

"No, it's fine. It's not like I was expecting something good to happen." Meredith replied. Everyone stayed silent for a minute until Meredith broke the silence and said, "I'm gonna go get some rest." Derek soon followed.

A few minutes went by and Jackson told Lexie, "We need to talk."

"Why?" She asked while walking over to the couch where he was sitting.

"I have some things I need to tell you." Jackson said, trying not to seem too sad but also trying not to run into the sexual situation Lexie was obviously trying to set up.

"Like what?" Lexie said while trying to distract him, she didn't think he was being serious. He didn't have the chance to respond before she kissed him, slowly turning into a make out.

In a very quick manner, April came down stairs with earbuds in and didn't notice the two getting familiar on the sofa. She went into the kitchen and got a glass of water then went back to the hallway, this time noticing the two. She looked over, her breath catching, she then quickly went upstairs and closed herself in Alex's room.

"What the hell?" Alex said, jolting awake at the sound of the door closing. April came over to the other side of the bed and laid down, not saying a word but tears were spilling out of her eyes. Alex was gonna say something but then understood what it was about and just laid on his back looking at the ceiling with her.

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