I Need To Start Again

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Mark and Alex were closing the incision when the door swung open, "Get down, get down!" Mark screamed without seeing who it was.

One of the members of the SWAT team said quietly, "It's okay. It's the SWAT team. You're safe. Who's on the table?"

Mark, Alex, and the rest of the surgical staff took a sigh of relief, "April Kepner is on the table. We got the bullet out and repaired all of the damage, but she needs to get to an ICU ASAP." Alex informed.

"Okay, we can take her to Seattle Pres. Are there anymore people in these ORs that you know of?" The officer asked.

"Yes, in OR 3 there's Cristina Yang, Lexie Grey, Jackson Avery, Meredith Grey, and some surgical staff." Mark told them.

"They've already been evacuated. Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Grey, and Dr. Yang are on their way to Seattle Pres now."

"Okay... that's good. Let's go." Alex said shakily and began to push the bed. They all made it out of the hospital safely, including Arizona and Callie.

Outside, Jackson, Alex, and April were getting in an ambulance and went to Seattle Pres. Mark and Lexie were sitting on a curb, talking. Arizona and Callie were reconciling. But, Owen and Cristina had no idea what to say to each other...

In the ambulance, Jackson asked, "Is- is the baby..." He couldn't complete the question, but Alex knew what he was asking. He looked up at Jackson and sadly shook his head, "Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Jackson exclaimed.

Alex didn't quite know what to say, "I'm so sorry man. We did everything we could."

"I know, I know you did." Jackson said, holding back tears.

Back at Seattle Grace Mercy West

"Should we go to Seattle Pres?" Lexie asked Mark.

"I don't know. They might need space... or something."

"Mark- you're Derek's best friend. I'm one of April's best friends, we have to go."

"April's not gonna wanna see anyone."

"What? Why not?" Lexie asked, she was very concerned.

"We couldn't find a fetal heart rate in surgery. She lost the baby." Mark said hanging his head down low.

"Oh, god. Oh.... well we can go there for moral support." Lexie reasoned. Mark looked at her and began to say something, "We have to be there for her, Mark! She can't just be alone! Neither can Derek! Come on." Lexie begged.

"Fine. Let's go." Mark surrendered. Then they left.

2 hours later at Seattle Pres

Jackson was right beside April's beside, and Lexie and Alex were sitting in chairs by the window. She was beginning to come around, but no one had noticed. Jackson was holding her hand and his head was down. Lexie was sleeping, and Alex was about to fall asleep. Then, April moved her fingers and Jackson noticed. His head shot up, "April?" With him saying that, Alex's eyes opened and he looked over. Lexie was out like a light, though.

April began to open her eyes and her head turned to Jackson with a scowl on her face, "Who... Who are y-you?"

Jackson's eyes widened and he looked at Alex who had the same terrified look on his face, "What do you mean?" Jackson asked.

April started softly laughing, "Ha-ha. I'm sorry, I h-had to. I've always w-wanted to do that."

Jackson's expression immediately changed form terrified to relived, "You scared the crap out of me."

"Me too." Alex added.

"W-what happened? I don't r-really remember anything f-from after everyone met up again." April questioned.

Jackson looked at Alex, not wanting to tell her what happened, "Let's go get Sloan. He did most of your surgery." Alex said.

April saw the exchange between the two men, "What aren't you two telling me?"

Lexie was now awake, she had woken up when she heard April laughing, she walked over to April's bedside, looking at Jackson for approval, "The bullet that hit your stomach hit you right above your uterus..."

April's expression changed and she began panicking, "Then um-" Lexie couldn't get it out without her voice catching, but cleared her throat and continued, "In surgery, they hooked you up to a fetal heart rate monitor and they couldn't find a heartbeat." Lexie told her, fighting back tears.

April began crying, "No. No, no, no."

"I am so so sorry, April," Lexie said quietly, "Alex did make sure that Mark didn't have to perform a hysterectomy on you. He saved that dream." Lexie said through even more tears. April's eyes flickered over to Alex but she didn't say anything. Tears were spilling out of her eyes uncontrollably, seeing April like this made Jackson extremely upset as well. Of course Jackson was devastated because of the baby, but he had had a couple hours to grieve so far, get over the beginning stages.

April was sobbing loudly by now, trying to make words out of her sobs, "M-my... b-baby... d-died. A-and m-my best f-friend d-died. I'm- I... I c-can't." Mark was in the room now because he heard her sobbing from down the hall in Derek's room, who wasn't awake yet.

"Wait... Madelyn- Madelyn died?" Jackson asked, looking at everyone. Alex solemnly nodded his head and Jackson got even more upset.

Mark looked at Alex and asked quietly, "Did she-"

Alex nodded his head, "Yeah. Lexie told her." Mark looked over at Lexie, who had stepped back from the bed but was stroking her hair and holding her hand, tears building up in her eyes.

"Just get out." April managed to say while still sobbing. Everyone looked at her with concerned looks, "I said get out! Get out, get out, get out, get out!"

Lexie wiped her tears and walked out with Mark. Alex left about a minute later, he really wanted to be there for April, he just had no idea how. Jackson was still sitting by her, "April-"

"Why are you still here? Just leave me alone already!" April yelled. Jackson was taken aback, but he got up and left anyway. April was left in her room, all alone, just like she wanted.

In the hallway

Alex heard her yell from the hallway, all he wanted to do was go in there and comfort her, but she didn't want him too. That's understandable, but everyone just wanted to help her, and no one could. Everyone watched Jackson walk out of her room, then go outside. Alex soon followed, "You okay, man?"

Jackson looked down and sniffled, he had been crying, "Yeah. I'm fine."

"None of us are truly fine, Jackson. We were all just in a mass shooting. Your girlfriend- or whatever she is now- almost just died. Derek almost died. Your friend died. You and April's baby died. Everyone almost died. No one is okay. No one is fine."

"Yeah. You're right. But I have to act fine. I've had to do it since I was 5 years old. It's nothing new. Nothing surprising. I've gotta do it for the people I love, so I am. I have to." Jackson said before stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking back inside the hospital, leaving Alex to sit there and ponder.

Someone Call A Doctor [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now