Chapter 23

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Alexis's POV

After taking a long relaxing bath and getting ready I make my way into the bedchamber noticing Seth sitting in front of the fire talking with the doctor.

"Ah there is my lovely bride now. Come have a seat love the doctor has the results back and hopefully some answers." He said smiling at me gesturing for me to sit beside him. I make my way over and sit cuddling into Seth as he wraps his arms around me and rubs his hands lovingly over my bump that has seemed to have grown just in the last few hours.

"So, you'll be happy to know that all the test results were great. All of the blood work is normal. Nothing low. I talked to Lord and Lady Zugravescu, everything you are experiencing is normal. However, this is new territory. They can only advise us to what is normal for a two-vampire pregnancy. It seems you are the first. You seevampires have never been able to mate with humans. So, I will be watching you very close. By dates you are only four days pregnant, but as you can see you are already looking to be around four to five months. If you will hop on over to the bed, I brought a sonogram machine with me so we can take a peak." I nod and head over to the bed crawling up and laying back. The doctor raises my shirt and squirts jelly on my stomach before placing a wand to my bump. I watch as the screen to the machine comes to life and hear as a heartbeat feels the room. I see the outline of a cute little face and then the doctor runs it over and another face appears. "Well, well, well it looks to be twins around three months in growth. I can't make out the sex yet, but everything looks good." Seth stands still watching the babies on the monitor and a look of utter love in his eyes. The doctor wipes off my stomach and pulls my shirt down as Seth climbs into bed pulling me to him.

"We are having twins my love!" He exclaims as he kisses my face all over and hugging me tight. "I never thought I would find you and now.....well this is beyond anything I ever dreamed or hopped for." He sighs and snuggles his head into my neck kissing against my pulse. A light moan escapes my lips as his teeth grazes over my skin.

"UMMM I'll just see myself out" the doctor says before running out the door. I couldn't control myself and I let out a giggle watching as the doctor fled the room. Seth hums against my neck before pulling back and smiling at me.

"You ready to meet my parents?" He stares deep into my eyes pleading with me to say yes.

"Of course. I can't wait. Don't be worried. I'm sure we will get along just fine." I smile and kiss his lips real quick before hugging him against me. "You are looking a little pale. Why don't you go feed before we meet with your parents."

"Of course, my love." He pecks me on the lips before heading out of our bedchamber while I finish getting ready for tonight.

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