Chapter 19

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Alexis's POV

I wake next to a warm body holding me close. The warmth feels so good seeping from his body into mine. I feel stirring against me and I look up gazing into glowing green eyes full of love.

"Good morning" I murmur against his chest as his fingers trace patterns languidly against my bare back.

"Afternoon my love" He says leaning down and kissing my lips gently. "Our mating took a lot out of you and you slept for quite some time." He traces my bottom lip with his thumb staring me in the eyes. I smile warmly at him then reach up letting my fingers trace the marks on my neck.

"Wait! Am I a vampire now?" Seth's eyes twinkle with light as a chuckle from deep in his chest sounds.

"My sweet Alexis, no you are not. I only did what was necessary to mark you and make you mine. I won't claim you that way just yet. I want you to be sure before I make you eternal. Now let's get something to eat. I bet your starving." I stand up from the bed realizing I'm completely naked. I look around the room looking for the clothing I had on when I came in here, but they are nowhere to be found.

"Ummm, where are my clothes?" I ask as he watches me walk around the room naked. Before I can say anything else his body is pressed against mine, his arms wrapped around me and his lips on my mark. My knees feel like jelly as he sucks and licks on my flesh. "F-fuck" I moan out as heat pools in my core making my pussy moisten. He lifts his mouth from my mark and takes a big whiff.

"MMMM my dear your arousal smells so tempting, but alas, I must get you fed. I had Mary bring all your stuff to our room here. Go look in the closet you will find everything you need to dress." He turns my body towards the closet and gives my ass a playful slap as I walk away. "Alexis, wear something that shows your neck my love. I want everyone to know you are mine." Walking into the closet it is huge. Even bigger than the one that was in my room. On the right Seth's clothes and shoes are arranged neatly and on the left mine is the same way. Looking further down I notice it opens up more so I walk towards it. I gasp at the luxury of it. There is a vanity for me so I can do my make up and cases that when I open have jewelry of every kind. It's pretty much like an accessory store for whatever I need to match an outfit or fix my face. I jump as Seth's hands slide down my arms. "I'm sorry my love, I had all this done for you. Do you like it?" Do I like it? Is he crazy?

"Oh my gosh Seth! I love it, but you didn't need to get me all this. I have never had much in my life and I only need the basics. He smiles then leans into me kissing my lips then my forehead.

"I know, but I wanted you to have everything you never had. There is nothing I wouldn't get for you Alexis." I hug him then shoo him out of the closet while I pick out some clothes and get dressed. I figure we are just eating in the dinning area so I pull on some black leggings and an off the shoulder slouchy sweater and some comfy flats. I pull up my hair into a messy bun then head back out into the room where Seth is standing by the fire waiting on me.

"You look beautiful, and my mark really looks amazing on you." He smiles taking my hand heading out the door. We walk hand in hand through the castle till we make it to the dinning area where all of his servants and workers are. We take our seats as food starts making its way to the table. Everyone seems to keep looking at me then smiling.


"What my love?"

"Why does everyone keep looking at me then smiling big?" He grins then chuckles a little.

"My dear you are their queen now. They see my mark and know you are mine, so they are at your disposal from now on. They will treat you the same as it was me."

"Oh! Ok then." I decide to smile back and continue eating. After dinner people started coming over and congratulating both Seth and I before leaving.

"That went well. Everyone now knows there is a Lady of the house and they are all happy. Now I think we can continue where we left off before dinner." He smiles seductively at me. I grin big at him then start running hollering back at him.

"Race you back to the room." 

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