Chapter 4

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Seth's POV

I ran out into the night to reach Alexis's next office before she arrived with my driver. I watch as Malcom pulls up to the curb and she hops out making her way into the office. Malcom drives off and I take a perch on top of the building across from the office so I can keep and eye out for her. I watch as she puts in her airpods and starts dancing. I love to watch her sway and dance as she cleans it's kind of hypnotic. I freeze as a new scent hits the air. A male lurking down below in the streets. I can hear his thoughts. He is watching my Alexis and has bad things in his mind. I can smell his evil intentions. I noticed my love stop cleaning and is staring out the window. So she does have sixth sense it seams she isn't as oblivious as I thought. I wait for her to turn her back and continue cleaning before I sneak quietly behind the man watching my precious flower. He doesn't know what hits him as I sink my teeth into his pulsing neck drinking him dry. I quickly dispose of his body and resume my watch over my bride. It's close to 3:30am before she heads out to the next office. She quickly walks a street over unlocking the office and heading in. I pick a spot to watch from hoping she will be done soon as dawn quickly approaches and that evil man did nothing to quench my thirst. I'm having to drink a lot more being around Alexis to keep me from drinking from her. I can't wait until she knows everything and knows we are mates. Then I will be able to take a sip of her, but never drain her. I won't turn her until she is ready. I try and read her mind, but there is something blocking me. I can read peoples minds for the most part, a skill I've mastered as I've gotten older, but there are a few that I still can't read. I can't even get a hint of what Alexis's is thinking, if I could I could she what she was thinking about my offer and I wouldn't worry as much. It also seems that none of my other talents work on her either, either it's because she is my mate or maybe she isn't completely mortal. I can feel the dawn getting closer as I watch her finishing up collecting her things and walk out , locking the office door. I stay to the shadows making sure she doesn't see me. That's all I need is her thinking I'm stalking her then I'll never get her. She walks quickly down the street making her way down several blocks before she makes a right and heads to her apartment. I watch as she gets in and I hear the familiar sliding of the lock. Knowing she is in her house safe I head deeper into the bad part of the city hunting for my next meal.

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