Chapter 11

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Seth's POV

Something feels wrong. I can't figure out what it is, but something seems to be pulling me wanting me to head home. Maybe I'm just missing Alexis. This mate thing has been really hard. I haven't even told her what I am yet and I can barely stay away from her. She seems really open to me. She has kissed me and held my hand and touched me repeatedly. I think she does feel some of the mate pull, but I don't think it is as strong as it is for us vampires. I'm barely able to control myself around her. I just want to mate with her and skink my fangs into her neck as she reaches orgasm to claim her as mine. I won't claim her without her consent however. I won't push myself onto her like that. She has to choose me. I sit here in this meeting of vampires not really paying attention, they always go on about the same old thing and I always fix whatever they need. I'm the one they usually turn to when there is trouble in our world since I have been around much longer than this council. Only a few vampires are older than me and they are the elders. My phone starts buzzing and I look down and see Mary's name. She knows not to call me unless it's important.


"Master Seth! Master, I am so sorry. Alexis went out tonight to walk in the gardens. She wasn't out there more than twenty minutes when I had Jared go looking for her. He looked all over and never saw her. He found a few spots of blood at the end of the gardens dead end. He smelled it and said it was hers Master. I am so worried we have looked everywhere see is not on your property!" She blurts out so fast and I can tell she is nervous, worried and upset. I slam my fist down on the table causing it to crack. All the other vampires stop talking and look over at me.

"It's ok Mary I will find her and whoever took her will pay with their life!" I ground out and hung up the phone. "My fellow brothers and sisters, my mate has been taken! She is human and knows nothing about vampires. She has been living at my castle to ease her into our world. I can not lose her!" All eyes turn red, they all know how important a mate is to a vampire. "Does anyone know of who might have taken my beloved? I will only ask once? If I find that any of you have conspired with the person who took her me you will wish for death!" A hand behind one of the vampires rises in the air. "Yes, do you know something Sam?"

"Sir, we servants hear talking from other servants from time to time. I don't know who took your mate, but I do know who has a grudge or should I say a hatred for you."

"OK give me the name I'll be grateful for any help."

"His name is Master Donovan. You had to kill his mate a couple years back when she went into blood lust and destroyed a whole town in the states." Of course, I know who he is talking about. When a vampire goes into blood lust and can't be controlled they have to be put down. It's awful for the mate and most die or kill themselves soon after. I hadn't heard anything about him since it happened I just assumed he died since that is the way of things. Sam cleared his voice again," His servant and I dated a few times and she said he was obsessed with you. That he blamed only you for his mates death even though the council decreed it. I truly hope this helps sir."

"Thank you Sam. Now do I have volunteers to help with getting my bride back unharmed?" All hands shoot in the air. We start formulating a plan. I just hope they haven't hurt her or scared her so bad she will never accept me. If they did that will be the end of me. I don't think I can live without her. Alexis, I'm coming by beloved just be strong!

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