Chapter 28

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Alexis POV

The day has arrived for us to present our babies to the vampire community and announce their names. Seth and his parents have been flitting around the castle getting their workers to prepare for the vampire council to arrive. The babies have already grown to be about the size of six-month-olds within the first two weeks. Seth says the babies will slow down as soon as their teeth come in so they can get blood on their own. So not only will they nurse but when they latch on their teeth will pierce me and take the blood they need. The thought is a little scary, but Seth says the venom from the bite will make sure it doesn't hurt me. Mary hurries out of my closet with a black dress and heels for me to wear and has me sit down so she can do my make-up and hair. The nerves are starting to creep in as I think about being in a ballroom full of vampires and me the only human. Seth still refuses to turn me until he is sure I am ready and he said we might want more kids. He is afraid if he turns me that will be the end of born vampires since no one can say how I ended up being able to conceive. Just as Mary finished with my hair and make-up and I slipped on the dress a knock sounds at the door.

"Come in." I hollered out as I slide my shoes on.

"You look gorgeous Alexis!" Mom exclaimed as she came in the room. "I brought you something my dear." She came up and opened a box revealing a beautiful necklace. It was gold with rubies inlaid throughout and one large ruby tear shaped at the middle. She stepped behind me and placed the necklace around my neck and clasping it. "This necklace is special it will protect you from and compulsion that any vampire might try to use on you."

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed hugging her to me. Pulling back, I notice tears in her eyes. "You ok Mom?" She quickly wipes her eyes and smiles.

"I'm good. I Just am so happy seeing you and my son so in love and my beautiful grandkids. Now, we must finish getting you ready the council will be her in the next thirty minutes. Has the babies been dressed in the garments for the ceremony?" She asks as she finishes getting me ready.

"Mary just left to dress them."

"Ok good. I hear my son approaching I will leave you now." She smiles at me kissing me cheek the turns toward the door just as Seth walk in. "I was just leaving my dear hurry up and get dressed it's almost time."

"Yes mother I won't be long." He stalks towards me with lust in his eyes. Reaching me he pulls me to his chest nuzzling his nose in my neck. "God you smell good and look so tempting my love." I feel my body heating up just as his fangs sink into my neck and the feeling intensifies as a moan slips out of my mouth. Fuck he has me near orgasm just from the bite. Before I can cum he retracts his fangs and licks over the wound closing it. "I see mother gave you her gift. I don't think anyone would try to compel you but just to be on the safe side." He releases me then walks into the closet coming back out in less than two minutes full dressed in his tux. "Shall we my bride." He offers his arm and I loop mine in his heading toward the baby's room. After picking the babies up we head towards the ballroom waiting just outside as we await to be announced. The doors open and we are announced. We make our way to the front. standing in front of an alter with the Vampire Council surrounding us.

"Today we bring into our world two newborn vampire babies. It has been 600 years since this has happened, so we are truly blessed." As the vampire priest talks a golden chalice passed among the council and each one placed a drop of their blood into it. The chalice passes to me and Seth last as we place our blood in. The priest takes the cup and says the incantation before dipping his finger in and places his finger on the top of each babies head drawing a symbol then dripping blood into their mouths. The baby's eyes glowed red and their little teeth came through. "Now announce their name to everyone." Seth hold our son up.

"Andrew Michael." He announces as I hold up our girl.

"Elaina Bethanie." Everyone claps and cheers as we finish the ceremony.

"Everyone please make your way to the dinning hall. We have refreshments." Seth announces as he wraps his arms around our little family and smiles.

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