Chapter 3

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Alexis's POV

I watched out of the back window as we drove down the drive away from the massive castle until I could no longer see Seth. God that man was handsome. He had long black hair that fell to his shoulders and it looked so silky and soft I just wanted to run my hands through it, and those eyes were a beautiful shocking green that seem to glow. Tall, dark and handsome is what he was and I could get use to looking at him. Sighing I turned back around and decided to make small talk with the driver. Now what was his name again.... that's not it.... Malcom that was it.

"Malcom, do you like working for Mr. Zugravescu? Is there anything I need to know about him that could help me in making my decision about coming on board and living at the castle and working for him?" I know my questions weren't small talk, but hey I think I need to weigh all the facts before I work for a man and pretty much live at his house.

"Well Miss I truly love working for him. He treats me well and my family too. We live at the castle and he always provides for us. I've worked for him going on 10 years ( really 100,but couldn't tell her that). The only thing I can think of that you need to know is that he has a skin condition and he can't go out in the sun so he pretty much works at night. Almost everyone at the castle works at night except for the ones that work in the office. Seeing as you seem to like working at night , I don't think it will that big of deal for you." Ah skin condition , that makes sense, he was so pale and I wondered if he was sick.

"So him being pale is just from his skin condition, he isn't sick?"

"Yes Miss it's just from the condition, he is perfectly health." He said looking up in the rearview mirror grinning at me. "I do hope you really consider working for Mr. Zugravescu, he really is a great boss and will treat you well." He pulls about to Mr. Wilson's office at parks the car.

"Is there anything else you need Miss before I go?"

"No, no I just have two more offices to clean then I can head home for the night. Thank you Malcom you've been a big help. I hope to see you again." I smile and jump out of the car and unlock the door to the office flicking on the light. Seeing that I was safely in the office Malcom waved and drove off. Boy I had a lot of thinking to do. I mean who offers $10,000 a week just to clean 10 offices as well as living in a beautiful castles with meals provided. I clean like thirty offices now and I don't make no were near that amount, plus a safe place to live. My apartment is ok, but not necessarily in the best neighborhood. There has been a few break ins just down the street. Sighing I pull out my airpods and turn my music on to dance and clean. I would be crazy to not take Seth's offer. Not only the money and living arrangement is great, but there is something about him. When our eyes met, I got so lost in that glowing green. It was like it was just us two in the world. I felt a pull towards him and I swear it was him that smelled like warm cinnamon rolls. Twice when our hands touched I swear I felt and could see sparks. It was like our bodies were electrified. I think I'm going to take his offer I mean you only live once right and with that kind of money I can save for all the things I have ever wanted and never had. I have worked hard my whole life seeing as I really didn't have a family. I supported myself since I was 13 after my parents died and being in a nice place making enough money would be like heaven with not having to worry. That's it I'm doing it! I do a little happy dance and stop in front of the office window as chills run down my spine. Looking out into the darkness I noticed something slipping behind a tree across the street. I will have to keep an eye out before I leave and make sure whoever that is, is gone. I turn my back to the window and start cleaning I just want the night to be over and tomorrow I can give all the offices notice then let Seth know that I will take his offer. 

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