Chapter 14

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Seth's POV

After dealing with Donovan I made my way back to Alexis's room. Mary was by the fireplace stoking the fire.

"How is she?" I asked as Mary finished with the fire and made her way to Alexis's bed straightening the bed covers.

"She seems a bit feverish and is very restless, but she has not opened her eyes yet." I nodded my head and pulled a seat up close to her bed sitting down. Looking at her face I could see worry or maybe fear etched across it. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her brow furrowed. Taking my fingertips I lightly ran them over the lines and her face relaxed. I leaned over the bed kissing her forehead realizing she indeed is feverish. I sit back down in my seat and pull my phone out dialing my in-house doctor that takes care of my servants who are not vampires. After a few rings the doctor answers.

"Yes, Master Seth, how may I help you tonight?"

"David, I need to come to Alexis's room. I got her back tonight and she isn't well. Please come look at her."

"On my way Master." With that I hung up the phone and pulled her soft, fragile hand into mine. Her hand flinched and then grasped mine squeezing it. I looked up into her face to see if she was awake, but her eyes were still closed.

"I'm here my beloved. Please be ok. If you want nothing to do with me, I'll understand, but you must be ok." I whispered to her and stroked her face with my other hand as she held firmly to my other one. After a few minutes a knock came from the door and Mary answered it allowing David in with all his equipment for running tests. He came around to the other side of the bed and started his work. He pulled the covers down so he could check all her extremities, then listened to her heart and lungs. He confirmed she was in fact running a high temperature of 105. That worried him as humans can't run that high of a temp for long without causing brain injury. Thank goodness he is not a normal doctor and we have things that human doctors don't have. He injected her with some medicine plus a little of my blood as my blood will heal human maladies. Then sat down to wait for it to work. I feel it deep in my bones that dawn approaches. I don't have to sleep during the day, I just can't be out in the light plus I just like my alone time. I usually retire to my room and do the things that interest me. I decide to stay with my love in case she wakes. I want her to know I am here. Mary knows me well and knows what Alexis is to me one of the few who knows. She hurries around the room drawing the shades and pulling the curtains so no light can infiltrate the room while I am in here.

"Master" Mary says to me.


"It's been more than a day since you have eaten. Let me get you a goblet of fresh blood sir." I nod my head at her and she disappears. I hadn't thought about eating since all this went down with Alexis. I know if I don't eat soon, she will be to much for me to resist. I can already smell her intoxicating blood calling to me. I watch as the blood flows through her veins in her neck. I know my eyes have turned red and I hope Alexis doesn't wake to see me like this. After a few mins Mary returns with a big goblet filled to the brim with blood.

"Thank you, Mary. You may retire for the day. I will stay with Alexis. Get some rests." She bows and walks out as I quickly drink the blood to sate my hunger. David stands and rechecks everything like last time. Her temperature as came down nicely and she seems to be sleeping comfortable now.

"Master Seth, her fever has broken, but her gown is wet from the breaking. She needs to be changed. Do you want me to do it, or call a nurse?" He can tell I didn't like the idea of him changing her as my eyes flashed black then red. He held his hands up and backed away. "Let me just get the nurse up here since Mary has already went to bed."

"Great idea. Sorry David. It's hard to control myself since she is my mate. I don't want males touching her."

"No problem. I understand, I have a mate as well." He chuckled as he pressed some button on his phone.

"How did I not know you found your mate David?" I asked surprised.

"Well, since you are a vampire and busy all the time you have not much use for me as you don't get sick. I mostly see your human servants." He grinned at me. "Plus, I found her about the same time you found Alexis here. You were a little consumed with that."

"Ah that would explain it. I have done nothing for six months but try and get her here and with me so that I could explain things to her eventually." I grinned and he nodded. A knock sounded at the door and a nurse entered.

"Master Seth. Doctor you needed me for something?" the nurse asked.

"Yes, Alexis's fever broke but her gown is wet from the sweating. I need you to change it and get her fixed up so she can rest easier."

"OK, Doctor and Master could get step outside for her privacy while I change her." We both nodded and walked out of the room. After ten minutes the nurse opened the door and allowed us back in. I took my seat next to her and claimed her hand again.

"Did she wake at all from changing her and fixing the bed nurse?"

"No Master Seth, she didn't stir at all. If that is all you need, I'll get back to my duties." I nod and she leaves.

"David, how long before you think she will awaken?"

"I really don't know it's up to her. Her body was fighting something. What I don't know, but both her mind and body have been through a lot so it will depend on when she wants to wake up. I have a few servants that need shots and the likes. If you need me just call. Best thing now is rest and for you to be here for her." He smiles and pats my shoulder. I nod my head and he walks out closing the door behind him. I look into Alexis face she looks so peaceful.

"Please be alright and please don't turn me away without giving me a chance." I lay my head down on her bed next to our entwined hands. I close my eyes listening to her heart and fall asleep hoping she will not be scared of me when she wakes.

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