Chapter 18

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Seth's POV

She said she was mine then said make love to me. My body just responded without my mind even fully comprehending what she said. My lips crashed against hers while her arms wrapped around my neck pulling me down on the bed with her. Our tongues battled for dominance as our bodies pressed against the others. Her hands wound their way into my hair and gently pulling. In a flash I removed her clothes and mine before she even could blink. Our bodies molded against each others as I claimed her lips again nipping at her lower lip before kissing down her neck. Finding the sweet spot on her neck that I will bite once I claim her. I let my teeth graze just enough for a few drops of her sweet blood to bubble up. I quickly licked as she moaned and arched her body into me. The venom in my teeth can either hurt or give great pleasure and right now her body responds to the very small amount of venom I used while just scrapping across her neck. I kiss down to her exposed breasts admiring the silky, smooth skin with light pink nipples. Taking her nipple between my fingers I roll it causing it to pebble and a soft moan comes from Alexis. Bending my head down I take her other breasts into my mouth sucking the nipple between my lips then letting my tongue flicker across it making it harden against the roof of my mouth. As I suck and lick on her right breast my hand massages and plays with her other breast as mewls of pleasure sound throughout the room. Her hands massage through my hair as her body responded to my ministrations on her breasts. I am taking my time as I have waited a very long time and I want to savor every minute with my beloved just drinking her in and giving as much pleasure as I can. I can smell as her core releases some of her essence as her body becomes more aroused. My cock hardens even more at the smell pressing against her thigh. Her hand reaches down and her fingers swipe gently over the tip causing it to twitch and a moan to vibrate against her nipple in my mouth. Letting her nipple fall from my mouth I kiss my way down her stomach letting my tongue swirl over her velvety skin. My hands take her thighs and spread them as my tongue finds its way to her mound. A gasp and a shudder is earned as I nuzzle my face against her moist lips inhaling the sweet scent of my mate. When I open my eyes I look up into hers seeing love and lust burning in her eyes. Holding her gaze I let my tongue press against her slit licking up dipping my tongue in her honey pot and finishing with a flick of my tongue against her nub that has made it's appearance just over her swollen lips. Mews of pleasure echo against the walls as my tongue flicks and swirls the little bundle of nerves. Her hands fist into my hair pushing my face against her dripping sex while her hips grind into my mouth. My lips pull her clit into my mouth as my finger curls into her hole hitting her g-spot. Her legs wrap around my head smushing me closer as my fingers drill into her pussy, curling and flicking against her spot.

"OH Seth! Fuck me" she screams as I stroke her swelling g-spot and suck her pearl then letting my canine lengthen I pierce into her clit making her cry out in ecstasy as the sweet taste of her blood and cum mix together filling my mouth. Her body convulses as shivers run down her body, her ambrosia squirting along with the blood pulsating with her erratic heartbeat from her release. Removing my tooth and licking the clit the hole seals and another wave rocks her body. "Seth...Oh Seth" she moans out as she comes down from her high. I kiss back up her body nipping at her neck then placing my lips to hers letting my tongue slide into her mouth. Her legs wrap around my waist as her arms snake around my neck pulling me flush against her hot body. My hard cock slides between her lips sliding between them coating my member in her juices as my tip rubs her raw bundle of nerves. Shivers pass up and down her body as my cock teases her pussy our lips devouring the others. My hands worshiping her body, my tongue dancing with hers. "Please Seth" she whispers against my lips. My hips rock with hers as my shaft slides through her folds. Mewls and gasps sound close to my ear as I nuzzle her neck licking and sucking the place where I will claim her as my bride. Positioning my rock, hard cock against her entrance I push as her walls clench and wrap around my member pulling it in until my head rests against her cervix. She pants as her walls stretch to my girth, her pussy squeezing around my cock. Slowly I pull out and slide back in our bodies moving together. Our passion growing as our bodies mold completely together. Her nails drag down my back as my pace picks up. My cock drills into her hot, wet cunt moans, grunts filling the room. Alexis throws her head back and grabs my ass guiding my thrusts as she lets out a guttural cry, her body shaking, eyes rolling back into her head. I continue my strokes as her wave comes down. Fucking her pussy harder, my balls slapping against her ass her body convulses again I pummel her cunt as her orgasm peaks then let my teeth grow. As we both hit the peak of our orgasms my teeth sink into her neck causing both of us to groan in ecstasy. Her blood spills into my mouth letting me feel her orgasm as well as mine causing me to spill my seed deep inside her womb. Pulling my teeth from her I lick the wound and it closes. Alexis's body shivers and falls back into the bed her eyes heavy from the exertion. We lay tangled together for a short time before I rise and collect the things I need to tend to my loves needs. Placing a call to the kitchen I order her food then head to the bathroom collecting a basin full of warm water and towels. Making my way to the bed I clean my bride then dress her in a silk gown before tucking her into our bed. Her body is spent and she only stirs enough to smile at me before her eyes close again. Looking down at Alexis I see my mark. Now everyone will know she belongs to me.

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