Chapter 20

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Seth's POV

"Race you back to the room." She yelled as she took of running. I guess I should let her get almost there before I even start even then I'll still beat her, and she knows it. I smile to myself enjoying the fact my mate has accepted me and she is perfect. I listen closely to see where she is in her run to the room then take off. I lean against the door of our bedroom waiting on her to round the corner. She gasps a shakes her head.

"I didn't even see you go by me. How long have you been here? I knew you have speed but wow! Will I have speed like that after you turn me." I laugh as I pull her into me kissing her lips then make my way down her neck.

"I just got here. I waited until you were almost here and yes once I turn you the speed will be yours as well." I nuzzle into her neck inhaling her scent of cinnamon as I open the door guiding her into the room. As fast as lightening I've removed both of our clothes and have her pressed to the wall sucking and nipping at her mark making her moan. Her hands clutch in my hair gently tugging, our bodies smashed together, my hard cock pressing into her lower belly. I lick down her chest taking her pert breast in my mouth letting my tongue swirl and flick over her hardened nipple while my hand massages and plays with her other breasts. Her body arches into me begging for more as mewls slide through her lips.

"Oh Seth" she moans out as I slide my mouth over to her other breast and bite down with my sharp teeth sucking her blood and her body writhes against me with moans and gasps of pleasure coming from her. I take very little then lick the wounds clean healing them. I quickly lift her bridal style and head over to the hot tub I had Mary prepare right before we headed here. I slide her into the water along with me and she sighs against my neck nuzzling her mouth against it licking and sucking where my mark will be once she is turned. My man hood twitches against her thigh. She turns her body sliding her legs straddling me pressing her breasts against my chest, my cock sandwiched between our bellies. Her lips press against mine while her hands run through my hair. I nip at her bottom lip, her mouth parts as my tongue snakes its way in. My tongue glides along her teeth before finding hers and twinning them together. Her body wiggles and smashes against mine making my cock ache for her pussy. My hands slide down her back to her ass cupping her cheeks before I lift her positioning her twat over my shaft our mouths never breaking contact. I guide her pussy down my cock as her moan is muffled into my mouth. My cock hits her cervix, and my balls are against her ass. I latch onto her cheeks and grind her on my shaft letting the tip of my cock rub her cervix as her walls clench and releases my member milking it. I growl against her lips and lift her up and bringing her back down my shaft hard. Her body shakes and a mew slips out of her. The water splashes around us as she rocks her hips into my thrusts my mouth sucks in her nipple as she throws her head back. I stand up as her legs close around me my dick buried deep in her pussy. I get out of the hot tub and walk us to the bed as I bounce her up and down on my cock. I feel a sharp pinch and realize she has bitten down on my shoulder as her pussy pulsates around my member.

"Fuck Alexis, you feel so good." I bounce her up and down a few more times then lay her down on the bed with her ass at the edge. I remain standing and slam my cock deep into her cunt and rub her clit at the same time her back arching of the bed, moans sounding throughout the room. My cock pummels her slick pussy.

"Seth yes! Right there. Fuck yes!" with her guidance I drill her into the bed as she gasps and moans before she lets out a loud scream, her body convulses and quivers as her eyes roll back into her head. I fuck her harder as squirt after squirt coats my cock and drips down my balls and into the floor. I feel my balls tightening and drawing up as I slam one last time growling as my seed shoots out and coats her walls. I fall against her both of us panting and gasping for air our hearts beating out of our chests.

"I love you." Alexis whispers against the top of my head. I jerk up and look into her eyes searching for the truth. She smiles and grabs my face pulling me to her smashing her lips to mine. "I love you Seth" she says again against my lips.

"I love you so much." I say as I stand pulling her up with me then placing her into the bed after I pull the sheets down crawling in after her. I pull her to me, and our bodies tangle together as we fall asleep. I awake not long after as I feel Alexis jumping from the bed and running towards the bathroom. I jump up and run after her and we make it just as she throws up into the toilet me grabbing her hair up and out of the way. She wretches again bringing up everything from dinner. Her body trembles as tears roll down her face. After a few minutes I pick her up carrying her back to the bed. I get one of my shirts and place it on her body covering her then call for my doctor. She's still human so anything could be wrong. I also call Mary to bring her a bucket and some cool liquid for her to sip on. I have never had to deal with sickness so this is new to me. I just hope nothing is seriously wrong.

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