Chapter 26

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Alexis's POV

After a great night of massages and making love the evening of my wedding has arrived. I can't believe in just a few short hours I'll be married to Seth and then in apparently a few short weeks or months I will be a mother. This has all happened to fast, but I wouldn't change anything, well maybe the kidnapping. I could have done without that. Opening my eyes, I notice two things, Seth isn't in the room and Mary is standing by the fire next to a wonderful smelling plate of food.

"Ah your awake. Seth, sent me with your meal and told me to tell you that he can't wait to see you walking down the aisle."

"What, do you mean? I won't see him till the wedding?"

"Yes, Miss. It is customary that the bride and groom doesn't see each other until the wedding. Vampires are sticklers for rules and traditions." Mary said with a little smile. "Don't worry, I am here to take care of your every need and your soon to be mother-in-law will be in just before the wedding with your dress. So no need to worry, come and eat." I stood up a little aggravated, but I guess if rules are rules, I must follow them. Just as I sat down my stomach made a loud growling sound and Mary just grinned at me serving me my breakfast. I can't believe Seth failed to mention that I wouldn't see him all day before the ceremony . Well, I guess no matter how old a man is he is still a man. I gobble down my food as I was starving, and Mary takes the plate and tray sending it away with a young girl. "Now Miss, I was given instructions on how to groom you for the wedding. First, we must get you into a nice bath." What the Hell now he has left instructions on how I should get ready? Sometimes that vampire is really weird.

"Ok, why didn't he tell me all this himself?" I questioned as I made my way to the bathroom.

"Master said he wanted to wake you before and tell you, but you were sound asleep, and you looked to peaceful to wake. If you want I cant go get him and let him talk to you through the door, but there will be no seeing him until the wedding." Damn these vampires and rules they are strict.

"No, I guess it's all right. I mean he did send you. I've just never been one to follow rules. I have always been the kind of girl to do whatever I wanted, but if it is important to Seth then I will follow all his instructions." As I complained a little I watched as Mary drew my bath water adding rosehip oil and lavender salts. I pulled my hair up into a high bun and eased myself into the nice hot bath letting the water ease the tension from my body. After a few minutes Mary came back and proceeded to wash my body. After she deemed me good and clean she helped me get out of the bath wrapping me in a huge bath towel before sitting me down in front of the vanity. Taking my hair down from the bun she brushed and rolled my hair in hot rollers before starting with my makeup. So, this is what it feels like to be pampered I thought to myself as Mary worked on my face hopefully turning me into a gorgeous creature. Mary did all her work with me facing away from the mirror as she didn't want to ruin the surprise as she said. After what seemed forever, she started doing my hair. She teased and brushed and tucked and pinned for what seemed like hours before she clapped her hands and smiled the biggest I had ever seen her smile. I started to turn and look, but she stopped me just as my mother-in-law walked in with my dress. Both women helped me into my dress and Mom placed the veil on my head. Both women gasped and grinned from ear to ear. Turning to look at myself I was shocked. I looked like a beautiful woman. I mean I always thought I was pretty, but never beautiful. My hair was in a half up half down do and my makeup really complemented me. Mary really knew what she was doing.

"My darling son is going to be mesmerized by your beauty my sweet girl!" Mom exclaimed as she pulled me to her and hugged me. After a minute she let me go and I noticed tears in her eyes.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. I am just so overjoyed that my son finally found his mate. There is nothing more sacred than your mate and he will spend the rest of his life protecting and loving you. Not only that, but you are giving him the greatest gift that he never thought he would have ......a family of his own. Now before we all start crying it's almost time!" She exclaimed clapping her hands together and helping me gather the dress to walk towards the ballroom. Once at the door Mom kissed my cheek and lowered my veil then headed to her spot in the ballroom. Before Mary could leave me I grabbed her hand.

"What is it Miss? Are you ok?"

"UUMmmm yes and no. You see, I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle and give me away." I said in almost a panic.

"Oh, but you do Miss." Looking confused I looked around and noticed Jared in a tux with his arm out for me to take. Seth thought of everything. I linked my arm in his as I watched Mary hurry to her seat and then the music changed into the wedding march as the doors opened wide. All my nerves came crashing down seeing the whole ballroom filled with vampires and all eyes on me. I couldn't move.

"Miss it's ok, they won't hurt you. Are you ok? Look at me." Jared whispered into my ear. Finally, I blinked and turned my face to his. "You can do this, now just follow my lead. Once you are with Master everything else will just fall away." He said in a soothing calm voice and I nodded my head and started walking towards Seth. As He came into focus my heart slowed and I only had eyes for him. Reaching the alter Jared placed my hand in Seth's and the service began.

"I must say, you are a vision my love, my bride." Seth whispered in my ear and I smiled. After the usual ceremony there was a second part that happens with vampire wedding. Usually, they bite each other to exchange blood, but as I am still human and unable to change at this time they had a cup and a gold dagger to complete the marriage. Taking my palm they made a slice letting my blood drip into the cup then taking Seth's they repeated with his palm. Then drinking from the cup we sealed our marriage. Cheers sounded all around us, but I was more interested in locking lips with my new hubby. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him into me kissing him hungrily. Seth growled against my lips pulling back.

"We will finish this later my beautiful bride, but for now we must mingle as husband and wife."

"I will hold you to it." I smiled as the priest announced us and we headed to the banquet.

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