Chapter 7

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Alexis's POV

I woke up about an hour before sunset and decided to take a nice hot shower in that amazing bathroom that has shower heads that hit me from all angles. I am so giddy that I skip in the room like a little school girl. I start the shower testing the water jumping in and start scrubbing with my body wash that had already been unpacked while I was eating earlier. I wet my hair and scrub it clean then rinse and just let the hot water pelt me all over enjoying the way the water hits me from all sides. Turning the water off I step out of the shower and grab a big fluffy towel and towel dry my hair then wrap it around my body. I take my lotion and rub my body down with it. I brush through my hair then do a messy bun on my head to get it out of my way. I open the door back into my room and smack into a wall of hard muscles and start to fall when strong arms wrap around my waist holding me upright and I feel sparks of lightening flying through my nerves. Looking up I am staring into those beautiful green orbs that belong to Seth. Once he knows I'm stable he drops his hands and backs up turning around before speaking to me.

"I'm so sorry Alexis. I was about to knock on the bathroom door and let you know dinner was about to be served. I wanted to walk you to it. I guess I didn't think that through that you could be showering. I will wait outside while you get dressed. That is if you want to walk with me."

"It's ok Seth. I didn't realize I was in there for so long. I will just get dressed quickly and I would love to walk to dinner with you. Just give me a few mins." I say and he nods his head and walks to the door and heading out of it closing it quietly behind him. I quickly run into the walk-in closet and grab a nice cozy sweater in red and a pair of black leggings with black slip on shoes. I get dressed and head over to the door opening it and grinning at a very good looking Seth dressed in a nice pair of black slacks and a crisp white button down dress shirt. He returns my smile and sticks his arm out for me to take. I wrap mine in his feeling tingles up and down my arm as he guides me down the hall.

"I trust everything in your room is up to your standards."

"Seth, the room is amazing! I didn't expect a room like that. It's way above my standards." I smile shyly and put my head down.

"I'm very happy you like it, but it's not above your standards you deserve something nice." He smiles at me and I can feel my face heating up with my cheeks turning red. We walk into the dinning room were there are a lot of people sitting around a huge dinning table. Seth walks me to the head of the table and pulls out the chair beside the head chair for me to sit in and then sits himself at the head of the table. Everyone seems to be staring at me and I am getting really nervous sitting in this room with all these people and not a sound being made. Seth then stands up and clears his voice.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet a new employee , Miss Alexis Brown. She will be cleaning the offices and she has a room on the third floor. I hope you all will make her feel welcome. Now let's eat." With that Seth sat down and people began serving food and everyone began chatting and no longer staring at me. Now with all eyes off of me I felt a little better, but still nervous. With Seth sitting so close to me I was afraid to eat and get messy. I have no idea why since I have never cared what anyone thought about me, but with him I wanted him to like me. I just picked at my food and only took small bites looking around the room ever so often when I felt a shock run through my hand. My head snapped toward Seth as he looked like he was waiting for my answer to something. I sheepishly grin at him.

"I'm sorry did you say something to me?"

"I was just asking if you liked the food? You don't seem to be eating much." He looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Oh no, the food is fine. I'm just nervous. I didn't know you had this many employees." I smile at the kindness in his eyes as I feel small circles being drawn on my hand that he is touching. I swear I see little sparks coming from where he is touching me, but that can't be real ....can it? We look into each others eyes and time seems to stop. It's like we are the only two people in the world. Seth starts leaning closer to me. Is he going to kiss me? Then it's like the snap of a rubber band the sounds come back and everything unfreezes and we are in a room full of people again. Seth sets back and removes his hand from mine and I quickly place my hand in my lap looking around seeing if anyone noticed anything. Everyone seemed to be chatting and eating so I'm pretty sure no one saw us. We finish eating and Seth and I get up for him to give me a tour of the castle and take me to the offices that I will be cleaning.

"This hall is where most of my employees live." Seth showed me on the second floor. Mine was on the third floor along with his. Wonder why I'm on the same floor as him and not with the other employees? I don't want to sound ungrateful so I don't want to ask him. After walking all the halls of the castle we end up at the back of the castle almost at a detached area that held the offices he wanted me to clean. The offices were in excellent condition and didn't seem like it would be a very hard job, it makes me wonder why he wants to pay me so much money. I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Would you like to take a walk on the grounds since we have covered all of the rooms in the castle" He asks me looking shy with hope in his eyes. I step a little closer to him and look up into his glowing green orbs. I can feel the heat radiating off his body seeping into mine.

"Yes, I would love that" I say breathlessly. He takes his finger and touches my face running it down my cheek to my jaw. My breath catches in my throat as we stand so close that I could easily reach up and kiss his lushes pink lips.

"Great, let's go. I want to show you all the secret places around the castle." He steps back and holds his hand out to me and I slip my hand in his feeling like they fit perfect together. He smiles big at me and we walk hand in hand out into the castle gardens.

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