Chapter 2

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Seth's POV

I had my servant make an appointment with my mate to arrange for her to clean my offices and I had my servants turn part of my castle to look like offices. A lot of trouble to get to her, but I can't screw this up. I have been without a mate for 600 yrs and her being a mortal really complicates things. My first order of business is to employee her with enough cleaning and money that she doesn't have to take unnecessary risks with her life. So get her employed and have her resign from her other jobs, should be easy enough....right? I hear the clock chime letting me know it's 11:30pm. Thirty more minutes before my lovely mate finally walks into my life.

"Jared! Jared, where are you" I holler out to my servant.

"Here My Liege " Jared says bowing to Seth.

"Ah yes, Jared it's almost time for my beloved to arrive. However, with everything going on I was unable to feed at my rising. Do we still have that tasty morsel that we caught trying to harm my friend down the road?"

"Yes, he is down stairs in the dungeon. Would you like me to drain him into a cup or......?"

"Cup would be fine Jared. Hurry along. I don't want to be famished around my beautiful bride."

"As you wish My Liege." Bowing to Seth Jared turned and headed to the dungeon anything his liege wanted he would get. Jared had been with Seth for a long time. He was what was called a Dhampir, a human-vampire hybrid. Being a Dhampir gave you some traits of a vampire, but you were mostly human. Jared had a long life span, he was already 200 years old and would probably live to be at least another 200. Working since birth for Seth, he was well taken care of and he was a very loyal servant. He was Seth's most loyal and his right hand man during the day when Seth had to be underground.

Ten minutes had past and Jared hurried into Seth's study holding a warm goblet of fresh blood.

"Thank you, Jared." Taking the goblet Seth swirls the blood and takes a sniff like he is smelling a fine wine. "MMMMM O- with no traces of disease or drugs." Taking a drink he lets out a low growl in his throat. It's not the best, but it does satisfy him enough to get through his meeting and then he can go hunt after he makes sure his mate makes it home safe. Finishing up the blood the doorbell rings and Jared leaves the room to answer the door. Seth disposes of the goblet and makes sure he is presentable. Taking a seat behind his desk he waits for Jared to bring his love into the study. Jared opens the door and escorts a very curious Alexis into the room. Her mouth is open and her eyes are wide and scanning everywhere. Finally , her eyes lock with Seth's and she stops in her tracks and just stares. A smile slides across Seth's face as he gazes into her eyes. Jared clears his throat and Alexis and Seth both seem to come out of their daze. Standing up Seth comes around his desk and extends his hand.

"Hi and welcome Miss Brown. It's a pleasure to meet you." He says taking Alexis's hand in his shaking it noticing a little spark.

"Please call me Alexis, Mr. Zugravescu. I hope I pronounced that right" she said while shaking his hand and grinning at him.

"You said it just fine .....Alexis, but I prefer to just go by my first name Seth if you don't mind."

"Then Seth it is as long as you continue calling me Alexis."

"Please take a seat and we can get this interview started." Taking her elbow Seth helps her to a seat in front of his desk and makes his way to a small side bar. Pouring a glass of whiskey he turns to Alexis. "Care for a drink Alexis? I have whisky, brandy, vodka, pretty much anything you could want."

"Ummm just a water if it wouldn't be to much trouble" she says shyly looking down at her hands trying to calm her nerves. Seth reaches in a small refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of water walking over handing her the bottle. As she takes the bottle from his hand their fingers brush against each other and sparks fly. Alexis jumps and looks startled, but Seth remains calm hoping she will just think it was just her imagination and she won't freak out. He smiles kindly at her and walks around the desk taking his seat.

"Now Alexis, I have ten offices here at my castle with lots of cleaning that needs to be done. You come highly recommended and the resume that you faxed to us earlier is very impressive. I am prepared to offer you $10,000 a week as long as you work for me only." I watch her face intently as her eyes become as big as saucers.

"10.... $10,000 dollars? Are you kidding? What kind of cleaning are you expecting? Do the offices get destroyed during the day and I have to rebuild them each night?" Putting her hand on her head she seams to be wrestling with the thought of making that much money for cleaning just ten offices.

Waving my hand around in the air I chuckle "No nothing like that. They do get quite dirty from time to time, but I am sure it is nothing you can't handle. The amount of money is in place of you working your other jobs. If that is not enough I am willing to pay more."

"P-pay more? Wow I think I am dreaming." She sits quietly and stares down at her hands for a good five minutes before she looks up and blurts "what's the catch?"

"The only catch is this Alexis, one you must resign from all your other jobs, two you live on the premises during the week. You may keep your apartment if you wish or you could just live here whatever you prefer."

"Your serious? Live in this" she looks around waving her hand in the air "what is this a castle? Get paid $10,000 a week for just cleaning ten offices. Seems weird if you ask me Seth." I stare into her beautiful aqua eyes pleading with mine.

"I assure you there is nothing weird about my offer. If you need a little time to think about it then by all means take a day, two a week, but I take care of all my employees and most live here in the castle as well. I am just a private man and require loyalty and privacy in my life. I find it easier when I take great care of my employees. I do hope you understand and will consider my offer Alexis." I smile warmly at her watching as her eyes go from being suspicious to being more relaxed.

"Ok Seth, let me think about your offer. I have to admit it is an amazing offer, and I'm pretty sure I'm crazy for not outright accepting, but I need a little time."

"Sure Alexis I totally understand and I hope you will consider it for real. If you would like to talk to some of my employees to help you make your mind up I can arrange that as well. Right now the only one available to speak with would be Jared the man who showed you in."

"No, no that is ok. If I need to talk with them I will let you know." As she said this she stood up. "It's getting late and I have a few more offices to clean tonight. I will have your answer for you in a day or two if that is ok."

"Yes, yes totally fine. Let me walk you to the door. The car that brought you here is waiting outside to take you where you need to go. I truly hope you will work for me." I escort her towards the door and she stops and looks at me.

"Your going to think I'm crazy or maybe you do have someone baking this time of the night, but I swear I smell warm cinnamon buns. Or maybe I'm just hungry" she says as she laughs. Her laugh sends chills down my spine it's like an angels. I open the door for her and she steps out into the night.

"Ah how silly of me, please allow my driver to take you and get you some food before your next office."

"No, it's ok. I just have a sweet tooth and those are my favorite" she giggles and looks up at me. God she is beautiful and I can see her pulse in her neck begging me to taste her. No, no I'm so close to getting her in my house and easing her into my world , I can't fuck this up.

"Very well Alexis I will be waiting on your reply. Please have a nice night and be safe." I watch as she climbs in the car and it pulls out of my drive. I wait for it to get out of sight before I run into the darkness to keep watch on my beloved until she return to her home. After I know she is safe I can quench this thirst that has been building.

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