Chapter 21

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Seth's POV

Mary rushes in with a bucket and a cool drink. She starts tending to Alexis while I get in bed beside her rubbing up and down her back in soothing circles. She takes a sip of her drink and sits back her face flushed from the vomiting she had been doing.

"Where is the damn doctor?" I demand as Alexis gets sick again catching it in the bucket. Mary jumps at my demand and aggressiveness. I am usually very calm, but this is my mate.

"I'll check my Liege." She said as she bowed and scurried out the door. Within two minutes she returns with the doctor in tow.

"Sorry, my Lord. I got held up one of your servants gave birth. My apologies." He said as he rushed to Alexis's side. He got to work listening to her lungs and her heart. Asked us questions then drew vials of her blood then asked for a urine sample. "It will take some time my Liege please be patient I only want to make sure we cover everything before I make a diagnosis. Bowing to me and Alexis he quickly left the room with the samples.

"Mary, as you know I have never been human or sick. I haven't been around anyone sick like this before for that matter. What do we need to do?" I ask all sheepishly. I feel very inadequate not knowing how to care for my beloved.

"Don't worry, my Lord I know just what to do. You just stay with her and help her to the bathroom if she needs. I am going to go make a soup that my mother always made me when I was sick. It helps a lot." She leaves and I look over at Alexis noticing she has fallen asleep sitting up against the headboard. I take her gently and settle her into the bed and I pull her into me stroking her hair. She mummers something in her sleep that I couldn't make out before snuggling into me. Please Alexis you have to be ok. I just found you and I can never live without you again. I close my eyes and fall asleep with my love.

I wake up to someone busting into the bedchamber screaming something and waving their hands around wildly. I notice it's the doctor and he has a huge grin on his face.

"What is wrong? Is Alexis ok?" I ask as he comes running up to me.

"Better than ok. She is actually with child my Lord." He rushes out so fast I'm not sure I heard him right.


"She's pregnant. She is carrying your baby."

"How can that be? I was the last-born vampire 600 years ago. All vampires after me have been turned." I looked at the doctor waiting for an answer.

"I know, isn't it wonderful. You are going to be the father to the first-born vampire in 600 years." He laughs as he claps his hands. We never understood why vampires stopped being able to bare children, but we just assumed we were dying off. So, when vampires wanted a child they would have to turn them.

"How will this affect Alexis?" I ask as I stroke her hair as she is still asleep.

"Well, as you know the pregnancy will go a lot faster, and since you are an ancient even faster. However, since we haven't seen a vampire pregnancy in 600 years it's hard to completely say. When did you two mate the first time?" I kinda let out a little growl. I think it's rude talking about something so intimate. "Liege, it's important or I wouldn't ask."

"Fine, yes I know. Two days ago and last night before she woke up sick."

"Wow! A lot faster than I thought. So, she more than likely got pregnant the first time. I would say it will only be around two to three months before she gives birth." I just stare at him. So many thoughts running through my brain. I never thought I could have a child naturally so I didn't even bother with condoms. I am excited but scared for Alexis. I will let her sleep then tell her everything once she awakens. "Let me know when she wakes up. I'll need to check a few things." I nod as he rushes back out the door.

"I will protect you and our child my love. Everything will be ok." I whisper against the top of her head kissing it then pulling her into me. "I'm going to be a dad!" I say shocked as it finally hits me. Now I know I can't live without my mate or our child. 

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