Chapter 24

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Alexis's POV

Walking into the dinning area I feel a little nervous. Seth decided we would have dinner with everyone instead of just his parents before we talked private. Maybe this will help ease my nerves. I have never been good with parents. Maybe because I really never had any, but I will try my best to make his like me since he is my mate, and we will have forever together. Seth ushers me to the seat beside his and I feel a little flutter in my growing belly as the twins must be moving. I place my hand against my stomach and smile. I can't believe we are not only having a baby, but we are having twins.

"You ok my love?" Seth asks with concern on his face.

"Yes, I'm fine. I think the babies just moved." I smile up into his sparkling green eyes. He smiles wide and touches his forehead to mine. "Here give me your hand." He places his hand in mine and I flip it over to were the palm is touching my bump and all of a sudden a sharp kick is felt. "I think they know their daddy." I laugh happily as Seth looks awe struck.

"Mom, Dad come here quick!" He calls out to his parents. I swallow nervously as his parents' approach.

"May we?" His mother asks and I nod my head yes. His parents place a hand on my stomach and it's like the twins know and they start kicking. The joy in Seth's eyes melts my heart as I watch him and his parents grin from ear to ear. "I never thought we would have this. I thought my son would never experience the joy of having his own children. He was the last. So, we thought. Thank you so much Alexis. May I hug you?" I nod my head slowly as she wraps her arms around me hugging me tight. "I am so happy my son finally found his mate, his bride. He has waited forever, and he is so in love with you." She whispers against my ear before pulling back and smiling at Seth and I. "Let's eat. Everyone find your seats." She calls out like a queen and everyone sits, and the food starts arriving. Seth leans over and whispers in my ear.

"I think my parents love you." I smile at him as he pulls back to watch as everyone is served. So far so good. I rub my belly my little angels are making meeting his parents so easy. Everyone laughs and talks as they eat. After the desert is served Seth stands and clears his throat.

"I have an announcement. Alexis and I are having twins." Gasps are heard all around and Seth motions with his hands to calm everyone down. "Yes, I know this is a shock as I was the last-born vampire, but apparently there will be two new vampire babies born after 600 years. As this pregnancy seems to be moving very fast, we will be having a wedding in two days. Of course, Alexis and I want all to attend. So, Mary and Jared have tasks for all of you to perform so my bride will have the wedding of her dreams. Now if you will excuse Alexis, my parents and I we have some catching up to do." Everyone claps as Seth helps me to my feet and we walk into the hall with his parents. "Mom, Dad meet us in the living room we'll be in shortly." His parents nod and walk towards the room. Seth turns towards me and touches his forehead to mine. "I love you so much. I know this wedding is fast, but I just can't wait any longer and I want my kids born into marriage not as bastards." I giggled at the thought of Seth thinking the kids would be bastards. "I'm serious Alexis."

"I know Seth, And I am fine with the wedding. I just find it funny that you would think marrying you would be to fast. Hell, we are having twins and in record time. My life has been upturned by you but believe me when I say I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you and I love our babies. Now let's not keep your parents waiting." I say as I grab his hand a pull him towards the Livingroom. He pulls his hand pulling me back towards him and into his arms.

"I wasn't done with you yet." He smiles before his lips capture mine. He licks against the seam asking for entrance which I grant and his tongue slips in dancing with mine. I moan into his mouth as his kiss grows more passionate. Taking my hand, I push against his chest.

"Stop, we'll never make it to talk with your parents if you keep this up." I pant out before he kisses me again pulling me against his body. He finally breaks the kiss.

"Your right my love, I just want to make your body quiver and devour you, but we must first talk with mom and dad." He sighs as he places his forehead to mine. "But after your all mine and the things I'm going to do to you......mmmmm well, let's just say you'll be screaming my name all night." I feel the heat rising in my cheeks and my panties dampen at the thought. Shit, they can smell arousal.

"You go on in and visit with your parents, I'm going to go change and be back in a few mins." Seth smiles wickedly as he knows why I have to change.

"OK my love don't take to long." He says before heading into the living room. That vampire s going to be the death of me, I sigh as I head towards our bedchamber.

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