Chapter 27

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Seth's POV

Oh God I can't believe it's time. I pace up and down the hall waiting on the doctor to come get me for the birth. They are setting everything up before coming to get me. I am so nervous and excited! I'm going to be a father and my children are going to be the first vampires born in 600 years. Everyone has been awaiting the arrival. It's cause for celebration as the new generation enters the world. It gives the other vampires hope that they too can have children. Gifts from all over the world have been arriving and the council can't wait to actually do the ceremony for new vampires on real born vampire babies. I hear a scream and my head jerks towards my door as Mary sticks her head out looking for me.

"It's time Master" She blurts out and I rush forward to be by my bride's side.

"Oh God it hurts Seth! Get them out!" Alexis screamed as I rush to her side grabbing her hand in mine. She lets out a harsh breath as the doctor tells her to push and she pushes with all her might turning bright red in the face. Little petechiae pop out all over face from the small blood vessels popping as she pushes. I murmur words of encouragement as she takes another deep breath and pushes.

"Ok Alexis, stop pushing the head is out. I want you to pant for this next part." The doctor instructions her as he rotates the head and makes sure the cord is not around the neck. "Now give me a little push." Alexis takes a breath and pushes and the baby slides out into the doctors waiting arms. I'm in complete awe of my beautiful wife, but I quickly look down and see we have a boy! "Congratulations! It's a boy" the doctor says smiling as he rubs him dry and the baby lets out a loud cry. He lets me cut the cord and hands him to Mary to get him cleaned.

"Oh God! The other one's coming." Alexis moans out as her body is wracked with contractions.

"You are doing so good my Love. It's almost over." I say as I wipe her face with a cool damp cloth.

"Ok the baby is head down your good to push Alexis." The doctor coaxes her as she shakes her head.

"I can't! Seth tell him I can't." She looks at me with wild eyes. I kiss her forehead and look into her eyes.

"You can and you will. I'm going to help you my love don't be alarmed." She nodded her head at me and kiss the side of her neck before sinking my teeth into her making her pain go away taking it into myself. Fuck those contractions are no joke. I release a little venom into her bite then pull out and lick the wound. "Now push love." She takes a deep breath and pushes, and the head pops out.

"Ok Alexis, same as last time pant." She started panting and the doctor did his job and with one more push my baby girl was born. A shrill cry echoed through the room as she took her first breath. I kissed Alexis as she and I had tears in our eyes. Mary and the doctor worked quickly and got the babies cleaned up and swaddled before bringing them placing them in my bride's arms.

"Oh my!" Alexis beamed at our children as both babies eyes opened revealing bright red eyes.

"Well, that explains a lot. It seems you will need to give the babies not only breast milk but a little blood as well every day." The doctor announced as he looked down at the babies and their red eyes. So they babies were truly vampires.

"Mary! Let everyone know the babies are born and in 2 weeks' time we will have a celebration!"

"Right away my Lord." I take my son in my arms as my wife beings nursing our beautiful daughter.

"Now, my love, we must think of names. We can wait a little bit if you like so you can feed them and rest." Alexis looks over at me with tears in her eyes and I begin to worry. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry. What's wrong?"

"Nothing" she chokes back a tiny sob. "I just love you so much and now we are parents." I lean down and kiss her softly before switching the babies out so she can feed our son.

"And I love you so much my love my beautiful bride." I kiss her again as she closes her eyes and sighs.

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