Chapter 22

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Alexis's POV

I'm finally able to wake up and not feel so nauseous. I have been in and out for two days. When I was awake all I could do was vomit before I would pass back out. Seth said he had something important to tell me once I was able to stay awake. He ran to the kitchens to get me something to eat. I told him I'm sure Mary wouldn't mind getting me food, but he insisted. So, now I'm just waiting on him to return so we can have our important discussion and maybe be able to hold something down. The door opens and in walks my handsome mate with a tray of delicious smelling food. My stomach decided to growl as he got close to the bed and he chuckled.

"What? I'm starving! It's been days since I've ate." I scold as I slide myself up in bed resting against the headboard. Seth places the tray over my legs and climbs in bed next to me.

"Yes, I know. I'm just so happy to hear your stomach seems hungry and not upset." He says as he leans over and kisses my nose. I grab a piece of bacon and start munching before turning a serious glare at Seth.

"So, what is this important thing you want to tell me?" I ask as I start cutting up my pancakes. He gives me a soft smile before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, it's not bad news. I don't think it is. I think it's wonderful news, but I'm not sure how you are going to take it."

"Just tell me. If you think it is wonderful I will too." I say as I cram my mouth full of the syrupy deliciousness. He lets out a sigh then takes my face in his hands kissing me gently on the lips. "Your starting to scare me Seth. Just tell me."

"Your pregnant Alexis." I drop my fork in shock and just stare at Seth. Maybe I didn't hear him right.

"I'm sorry ....what?"

"We are going to have a baby. When we mated you became pregnant."

"I thought vampires couldn't have babies." I say with confusion. He had told me he had been the last born in one of our many late-night talks.

"Well, I was the last-born vampire as you know. No one knew why vampires stopped being able to have babies. So, this is a very big shock to me as much as you." He takes my hand and looks me in the eyes. "Alexis, I love you and I already love our baby. I can't tell you if the baby will be fully a vampire as you are human. My mom and dad are headed here now since they know more about vampire pregnancies. Please don't be upset." I gaze into his adoring green eyes and I know what he says is true.

"I'm not upset." I say as I stroke his cheek. "Did I plan on being pregnant this soon after finding out we are mates and that I will have to become a vampire to spend forever with you? No, but trust me when I say I love you and as scared as I am to be pregnant, I still want this baby and I will love he or she no matter what." I smile as he exhales a huge breath that he seems to have been holding. He wraps me in is strong arms and kisses the top of my head.

"The doctor said he would be by later today after he spoke with my parents to talk to us about the pregnancy. Then you will get to meet my parents if you are feeling up to it. I don't think I can turn you until after the baby is born, but we will discuss that once we find out more about the baby." I look down at my stomach and I swear I already have a bump. I quickly look up into Seth's eyes and he smiles and nods yes like he knows what I'm thinking. "The pregnancy apparently will go a lot faster than a human pregnancy, so you are already starting to show."

"How f-fast?" I stutter out in shock.

"We are not sure. That's why my parents are headed here and then the doctor will be doing some tests. He thinks maybe three months."

"What!!" I scream out. "Shit, we have to go shopping and get the things a baby needs and baby proof the castle and I need to be taking vitamins." I start rambling as I climb out of the bed looking for clothes wildly. Seth lets out a loud laugh and I give him a glare before he raises his hands up in surrender.

"Alexis, we have a little time. Calm down I promise we will do all those things and the doctor has already got vitamins for you to start. Look on the tray my love he sent them with your breakfast." I feel the heat of embarrassment rising to my cheeks before I sit back down and take the pills.

"Sorry, I just want to be a good mother." I whisper as he gently lifts me into his lap and faces me to him. He kisses me passionately and I return the favor by biting down on his bottom lip before I slide my tongue in his mouth. We both let out a moan before pulling back. He places his forehead to mine and sighs.

"You will be the best mother I know it. Let's just get through the day and see what the doctor says about everything." I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle my head into his neck. I hope he is right.

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