Chapter 8

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Alexis and I walked hand in hand through the castle gardens. We talked and laughed. Everything was falling into place without much help. She seems to have had a hard life. I wish I could take it all away, but none of my abilities work on her. I am enjoying listening to her favorite likes and dislikes, her insecurities everything about her.

"I can't believe I'm telling you all this Seth. I don't usually open up to people very easily." She stops at a bunch of flowers and bends down removing her hand from mine. "People I get close to either dies or disappears." She says so softly that if I didn't have vampire hearing I am sure I would have missed it. I bend down and lift her chin to look me in the eye.

"I won't leave you." She smiles at me and then sighs.

"You are my boss. I work for you. You should be worried about me leaving" she gives me a little smirk.

"Ah yes I am your boss, are you telling me you are all ready leaving Alexis?" I ask my eyebrow raised with a smirk on my lips.

"I'll let you know after I have cleaned your offices for a few weeks. You know it might be so difficult I might have to leave" She states with a serious look on her face, then busts out laughing. God she is beautiful and her laughter is music to my ears.

"I'll be sure to instruct the people who work in the office to clean up after themselves." I say with a grin on my face. "That way you won't have to leave." I grab her hand again and walk towards my favorite place in the garden. I have always loved roses and I have so many different kinds even one I spliced myself so it's the only one in the world. It's a beautiful blood red rose with black outlined petals, but the center is a beautiful pink. I have long steam, climbing roses and tea roses, pretty much any kind you can think of growing around a fountain that holds a secret. First I show Alexis my beautiful rose I created picking one and handing it to her.

"I think I said I would show you secrets in the garden didn't I ?" She nods her head as she smells the rose. I walk behind the wall that is behind the fountain and find a brick and push in a little. The wall opens up and a passage way illuminates as we step in.

"Wow! Where does this go Seth?" She looks so excited. I take her hand and start walking down the hallway as the wall automatically closes behind us. After a few mins the hall slopes up and a door comes into view. I punch in a code and the door opens up to a lavish bedroom. It has a fireplace on one wall and a great big four poster bed in the middle with a lush rug under it. The bed is done in black and red with silk sheets. There are roses in all the vases. In a corner there is a hot tub and a table for massages. Alexis lets go of my hand and looks around in awe.

"This is beautiful. Who's room is this?"

"It's mine and my brides room when ....I find a woman I fall in love with." I say.

"Oh, have you found someone you like?" She asks with a confused yet sad look on her face.

"Perhaps" I say as I run my finger down her cheek looking into her beautiful blue eyes. She shivers and closes her eyes. It's only the first night she has been here I can't scare her away so I back up and remove my hand from her face. She opens her eyes and smiles at me. "It's close to morning, I should get you back to your room." She nods as I take her hand in mine again and we exit through a different door that leads out to the main castle. I walk her to her room and I can feel the dawn approaching. "Thank you for letting me show you around Alexis. I hope you enjoy working here. Please let me know if there is anything you need or want. If I'm not around, you can let Mary or Jared know and they will tell me."

"Thank you Seth. You have been so welcoming to me and very gracious. I'm sure I'll enjoy working here for you." She lifts up on tiptoe and kisses my cheek. Sparks fly at the contact and she lets out a little squeak. "I'm sorry. I hope that wasn't to inappropriate plus I am sorry it socked you must be from the carpets and my shoes causing an electric shock. I don't know why I just felt like I need to do that." She smiles shyly at me and I grin.

"Oh you are alright Alexis. If I may" I say as I lean toward her and kiss her cheek. "Goodnight, I shall see you later my little one." She smiles and opens her door backing into her room never taking her eyes from mine.

"Goodnight Seth." She closes the door and I head towards my room. Today has gone well, very well indeed.

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