Untitled Part 15

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Seth's POV

I wake to Alexis gasping, sitting up in bed and looking wildly around the room with fear in her eyes.

"Alexis, your ok. Your home in your bed." I say to her as I stand up and place my hands on her shoulders and sitting down on the bed beside her. Her eyes find mine and for a second she seems unfocused before awareness comes across her face. She throws her arms around me and I pull her into me.

"Seth, why? Who was that man? Why did he do that? He said weird and strange things." She clung to me as she trembled in my arms. "You came for me. Thank you for coming for me."

"Ssshhhhh your going to be fine. I'll tell you everything Alexis. First let's get you cleaned up and something to eat. You've been sick and asleep for almost two days." A knock sounded on the door before Mary came in. "Mary is here to help you with a bath and getting dressed and I'll be back as soon as your done with food." I don't want you leaving your room just yet." I nod to Mary and she comes over taking Alexis from my arms and helping her to the bathroom. As soon as they are in the bathroom I head down to the kitchen to fetch her some food. Mary already had the cooks preparing food for Alexis, with everything being taken care of I head down to the dungeon for a quick bite of my own. I don't feed on the innocent. I have an arrangement with the local law that I get all the really bad criminals. When I say bad I mean bad, the ones who have tortured, raped, or murdered. I head into the first cell finding my meal cowering in the corner. I open the cell and the man stands up and runs at me like he is going to get out. Laughing I hold my hand up and do a little twirl with my hand that spins the man around on the spot. I flick my wrist forward and the man runs head first into the wall. I make my way over to him and stand him up, he is just a little dizzy from his head trauma.

"Trying to get away, not before you pay for your sins." I sink my teeth into his neck draining him of his life essence then watch his body crumple to the ground. Licking my lips, I headed back up to the kitchen to take Alexis her now cooked food. Standing outside Alexis's door I can hear Mary tucking her back into bed so I go ahead and head in with her tray. She looks like she has been refreshed and like she feels some better. Mary pulls a bed table over to her as I place her tray on it just as her stomach growls really loud. She blushes and looks at me shyly.

"Good I'm very glad you are hungry. Doctor said to start you with soup and crackers. They made you home made chicken noodle. I hope you like it." I smile at her taking the top of the tray off. She starts eating like she hasn't ate for weeks. I can't help but chuckle. "Slow down Alexis, I'll get you more if you need it" I tease her. She blushes even more.

"Sorry, I'm starving. I can't remember when I last ate." I sit down in the chair beside her bed watching her.

"Alexis, we have a lot to talk about. What I'm going to tell you, just please listen to me and don't get mad, upset or scared. Just listen all the way through before you decide anything." She looked at me and narrowed her eyes a little. "Can you promise me to listen and keep an open mind?" I waited on baited breath to see if she was going to answer me. After a few mins she took a deep breath and sighed.

"Seth, you have been nothing but good to me, I will try my best." She gave me a small smile and grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I guess I should start at the beginning." I sigh and walk towards the fire and stand in front of it. "Six hundred years ago I was born. I am a vampire. I have never been human. I have walked this Earth alone without a mate until I found you six months ago. Your scent called to me. You are my other half, but you are human and I didn't want to scare you so I had to figure out a way to get close to you, for you to get to know me before finding out that I'm a vampire." I steal a glace at Alexis trying to read her passive expression. I wish I could use my skill of reading minds on her but there is a barrier blocking me. I sigh as I can't tell anything and continue, "I had my employees and servants turn some of my castle into offices so I could get you to clean and live here. I wanted to get to know you and I wanted you know me as dare I say a man. Because I really am like a man, I just have to feed on blood every now and again and I can't go out in the sun." I walk back towards the bed and sit back down in the chair. I can see in her face she wants to ask something, but I have to get everything out before I start answering questions.

"Why" I hold my hand up to stop her.

"Just let me finish and I will answer anything and everything you ask." She nods her head and I continue. "So the guy who kidnapped you was a vampire too. His name was Donovan. He was lucky and found his mate over a hundred years ago. As vampires we aren't complete until we find our mate." I say as I smile at her. "Anyway, there is this thing that can happen to vampires. It's called bloodlust. Now sometimes they can be pulled out of bloodlust, but sometimes it consumes the vampire and once that happens nothing can be done to save them. I know I've seen it many times. Once this happens the vampire has to be put down. Donovan's mate went into bloodlust and nothing could be done to save her. We tried. As head of the vampire council the elders gave me the task to put her down. It's not something I enjoy doing but it is my job to protect the humans. Donovan blamed me for her death. Usually when our mate dies we die soon after or kill ourselves cause we can't live without our other half once we have them. Since I had finally found my mate, he took you to punish me. He wanted me to suffer the way he suffered. Thank goodness someone knew he was still alive and that he blamed me for his mates death. The whole vampire community helped track him down and rescue you. All vampires know how important mates are. How important you are to me." I say the last sentence and look into her aqua eyes begging her to understand and accept me. 

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