Chapter 9

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Alexis's POV

Cleaning the offices the past few weeks has been great. The job is not hard at all. Sometimes I wonder if anyone works in these offices. I usually finish within a few hours which means I have a lot of hours to hang out with other employees and gather information on my employer. Everyone here seems to love Seth and say he is a wonderful employer. If he isn't preoccupied with other matters Seth seeks me out and spends time with me. Sometimes we just talk, sometimes we take walks around the castle, and sometimes we do things like watch a movie together or have a private dinner. I'm not sure if he does this with any of his other employees, but I can't say I mind it. I have started feeling a lot of feelings for him and I have a strong desire to be around him. There is this strange pull and the need to touch him. It has been so hard to be professional and a few times I know I have crossed the line, but he doesn't seem to mind. In fact tonight he told me to be ready at midnight since he knows I'll be done with my cleaning. It's 11:15 and I head to my room to get ready. I jump into a nice hot shower and scrub myself with my cinna-bun body wash, then wash and rinse my hair. After my shower I rub my body in my lushes body lotion and blow dry my hair. Stepping out in my room I notice the fire burning in my fireplace. I don't remember starting it, but I wouldn't put it past Mary to come in and start it for me knowing I get cold easy. The people here treat me so good almost like I'm special, that's why I try and help the others when I can. I head into my walk- in closet and pick out a nice bra and underwear in a pale pink lace. Then I found a cute pair of black leggings and warm sweater in red. Just as I pull my hair into a high ponytail I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I holler as I slip on my shoes. The door opens and there stands a handsome Seth in his crisp white button down shirt with its sleeves rolled up and a nice pair of fitted black slacks. "Hi Seth. I hope this outfit is ok. You didn't tell me what to wear exactly."

"Alexis you are beautiful no matter what you wear, but what you have on is fine." Walking towards Seth he extends his arm and I loop mine in his and we walk out of my room. " I wanted to take you out tonight to a special place, if that is all right with you."

"Sure, I haven't really left the castle since I arrived. It sounds great to me." A limo pulls up and Seth and I hop in and head off. After twenty minutes of us talking and laughing with our hands touching we stopped outside a building. I look out the window and realize it's the museum I have wanted to visit ever since I moved to the city as a young girl. I never could find them time or the extra money to come. "It's the museum I have wanted to visit, how did you know? Wait, it's after midnight isn't it closed?"

"Alexis, I heard you tell one of my other employees that you would like to come here. I also know the owner of the museum and he allowed me to rent it out for tonight." Taking her hand in mine I pull her out of the limo and head into the museum. As we walk into the museum there are rose petals leading from the door to a place in the museum were a nice meal has been prepared for us. I pull out her seat and then I sit down. We are served our meal and enjoy it. After the dinner we spend the rest of the night playing and looking through exhibits.

At around 5:30 am we head back to the castle, both of us laughing, holding hands, and leaning into each other. As we arrive to the castle Seth takes my hand and leads me to my room. We get to the door and I have this overwhelming desire to kiss him. I looks up into his eyes and I press my body against his leaning into him smashing my lips against his. He responds by wrapping his arms around my body and deepening the kiss. He bites down on my lower lip drawing a small amount of blood and licking it up as a moan escapes my mouth. I let my tongue slide in and wrap mine with his. I open the door and start backing us into my room as we continue kissing and his hands rub up and down my body. My knees hit the edge of the bed and we both fall into it still exploring each others mouths and body. He starts kissing my jaw and down my neck placing open mouth kisses down my neck. I moan as he licks and sucks on my neck. All of a sudden I feel a little pinch and then a feeling of warmth spread through me. Jumping up off of me all of a sudden Seth looks guilty.

"I'm sorry Alexis. I think I pushed you to fast. "I jump up and cup his face and look into his eyes.

"It's ok Seth. I wanted it. You did nothing wrong." I say kissing his lips softly.

"It's almost dawn Alexis, I must go. I hope you are not mad at me for being so forward with you."

"You have nothing to worry about. I promise." He leans down and kisses me gently then releases me walking to the door. "I hope we can go out again Alexis, but I won't be home for a few days. I will have Mary let you know when I return and we can have dinner together if that is something you would like."

"Yes Seth, I would love to. Please be careful on your trip." He walks out the door shutting it behind him. I quickly change into my pj's and climb into bed. What a wonderful night. I hope he doesn't regret it. I snuggle into the bed and finally fall into a deep sleep.

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