Chapter 12

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Alexis's POV

"The Master will soon be here little human. I think I should get a taste first since I was the one who took you." The voice said then laughter range through out the cells. I began looking wildly around me still not seeing anyone. The cell door swung open and I didn't even think I ran towards the door. Next thing I knew I was slung back against the wall and a petite young girl stood in front of me holding me by my neck. "No, no, no! It isn't nice to leave before Master gets to see you! I feel like you should be punished!" She lifted me up by my neck as I clawed at her hand trying to get her to release me as my breath was being cut off.

"Release her NOW Mandy!!" The girl who had been holding me up and choking me frowned and lowered me to the floor and removed her hand. I coughed and gasped trying to bring air into my lungs. "Leave us." The voice said.

"But Master" Mandy started.

"No buts! Leave!" With that Mandy turned and left so fast I didn't even see her. Walking into the cell the man was tall and handsome with blonde hair and pale blue eyes that were so pale they looked like ice. He was well dressed and filled his suit out perfect. I'm guessing he is a vampire too, if what Mandy said to me was true. I back into the corner of the cell shrinking in on myself as the power radiated off the man. "Such a beautiful human. Seth really is lucky, well not for long he won't be." A grin spread across the mans face that made the man look deranged. I pulled my legs closer to my body wrapping my arms around them.

"Why I am here? I haven't done anything to you. I don't even know you." I look up into his icy eyes looking for answers and pleading with my eyes. My body shakes uncontrollable as I feel anger rolling of the man.

"He hasn't told you? He hasn't told you what he is? What you are?" He throws his head back and laughs like a maniac. "This is rich! You are not only human, but you know nothing. My spies told me he found you over 6 months ago." He slaps his leg and bends down eye level with me still laughing. "You should be claimed by now. What is he waiting on?" He reaches out and slides his finger down my cheek. I let him do whatever he is going to do. I have a feeling I don't want to anger this man. I decide I need to know more. I don't understand all of this and what it has to do with me. I just clean offices.

"S-sir ummmm I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Why am I here? What do you mean by he should have claimed me?" Please don't hurt me I thought as the man stood up and ran his hand through his hair and started pacing the cell.

"Do you really not know anything?"

"No, I just know I work for Seth if that is who you are talking about. I clean offices at his castle and he pays me and I live there along with other employees. Why would you take me? I am nothing special."

"Nothing Special? Alexis, you are very special. In fact you are more than special for Seth."

"I'm just a cleaner for his offices!" The man grabs my arm and pulls me up pushing me down on the cot. I'm nervous and intrigued all at the same time. What the hell is wrong with me I should be so scared out of my mind.

"Right! Let's get you informed this will be so much fun!" He claps his hands together and gets this giddy look on his face. I am getting the feeling he isn't all there. He stops pacing and sits across from me on another cot. "First you should know I am a vampire and I have no qualms about drinking you dry down to the last drop." He grins and flashes really sharp teeth. " You should also know your Seth is a vampire as well. You are at my mercy because of him. He killed my mate and I plan on taking his."

"Mate? What is a mate? Who is his mate?" I ask looking at him watching him closely not wanting to provoke him into biting me with those sharp teeth. He let out another laugh, boy is he crazy I don't find anything funny.

"Why Alexis you are his mate. A mate is what we call a soul mate. You belong to each other and make each other the happiest you can be." He says with a far off look in his eyes. I'm Seth's mate I think to myself. I can't be ...can I? I mean I am very attracted to him and feel a pull. I feel empty when he is away from me. Is that what is feels like? Why am I not freaking out? I just learned Seth is a vampire and his mate and I'm being held by a crazed Vampire Hell bent on revenge. I need to somehow get out of here.

"What's your name?" I ask. I'm hoping if I can get him to talking and befriend him maybe I can get out of here or give Seth time to save me. I mean if I'm Seth's mate he surely will come for me.

"I'm Donovan. I've been alive 200 years. My mate was Jennifer. She was beautiful until Seth Killed her!" He slammed his fist into the wall and left a large hole. I jump back against the wall his eyes flashed red and his fangs grew longer. He was seething, clenching and unclenching his fists. Oh Hell Seth please hurry up and save me. "Now it's my turn to take his mate. Make him feel the despair that I've felt for the last five years. Then I can be free, I can join my mate in the afterlife!" He started laughing manically again as I watched his eyes flip between black and blood red. He started stalking towards me and I let out a blood curdling scream............

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