Untitled Part 13

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Seth's POV

We found Donovan's place and took out any and all of his vampires and anyone who is loyal to him. I'm searching everywhere through the house. I can smell Alexis she is here or was here the smell is faint. A loud scream is heard with my vampire hearing and I rush towards the sound. I find a secret passage and rush down the passageway at my vampire speed. As I round the corner, I see Donovan grabbing Alexis and almost has his fangs in her neck. I run as fast as I can shoving Donovan and catching Alexis as she dropped from his grip. I hold her to my body as other vampires rush in grabbing Donovan holding him in place. He snarls and growls and pulls against the other vampires. Because I am so much older than most vampires my abilities work on other vampires so I look him in his eyes and command him to sleep. His head droops forward and he goes slack in the vampires' arms. I order them to take him to my dungeon as I will question him there. My first priority is to make sure Alexis is ok.

"You ok my love?" I question her as I look her over from head to toe. It looks like he hasn't hurt her physically, but I don't know what he has done to her mentally. She may never accept me as her mate now.

"I- I'm good. I think. I just want to g-go home please." She stutters out while shaking. Her body feels colder than usual. I take my coat off and place it around her and lift her bridal style carrying her to my car. I slide in the back while still holding her to my chest and tell the driver to head home. Her eyes look heavy and she looks pale.

"Sleep Alexis. You are safe. I will never let anyone hurt you again." She lays her head against my chest and I kiss the top of her head as she quickly falls into slumber. After about two hours we arrive at the castle. I carry Alexis up to her room where Mary is waiting. I turn my back while Mary changes her into warm pjs and pulls the covers up to her chin. I walk back over to Alexis and notice she slept right through the changing. I kiss her forehead and notice she is still cold.

"Mary make a fire in her fireplace. Also please stay with her until I come back. I don't want her waking up alone." Mary nods at me and heads over to the fireplace and starts on making the fire. I walk out of Alexis's room and head towards to the dungeon. I need to hear what Donovan has to say for himself.

Making my way into the dungeon I see Jared has all my torture devices set up and ready should I need them. I look in the last cell where Donovan is slumped in a corner with his hands covering his face and rocking his body back and forth. He looks pitiful. There is a reason most of us die after we lose our mate, and this right here is why. We usually go insane. I haven't even mated or claimed mine yet and I know I would die without her.

"Just Kill me." I hear him say softly.

"And why should I kill you?" I ask him.

"You know why. I didn't die after you murdered my beautiful Jen. I wanted to kill your mate." He starts giggling and muttering to himself. I see he has moments of clarity, but he really isn't right. "just kill me please. I can't live anymore like this." He says as his laughter turns to sobs.

"Donovan, I want to make something clear to you then I will grant your wish. The elder council ordered your mate destroyed. You know it was the right decision as she was in blood lust and nothing was bringing her back. I didn't relish in her death." He sighed and stood up walking closer to the bars.

"Yes, I know Seth. When I am in my right mind I understand, but since my beloved is gone, I am rarely in my right mind. So, I ask you to do what I couldn't do and kill me please." I look him in the eyes and the are his normal icy blue no hint of madness and he understands. Since I am head of the regular council, I don't have to seek the elder council when a vampire asks you to kill him. If he or she is in their right mind I can grant them death.

"Do you have any affairs that need to be in order? Did you and your mate have offspring?"

"I took care of my affairs a long time ago and Jen and I was never blessed with an offspring." He tells him as his eyes grow even sadder.

"Fine I will grant your request." I decide the best course is just to leave him to the sun. I will have Jared and a few of my vampires move him to special cell that lets the sun in leaving him to die. I start to leave but decide to turn to him and let him know how I feel. "Donovan, I am truly sorry about your mate. The decision to destroy her was not done lightly. You know I have been around a lot longer than you and nothing I or the elder council tried could help her. She was to far gone. There was nothing you could have done either. I hope you find peace and her in the afterlife brother." I turned and walked out

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