Chapter 5

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Hearing my alarm going off at 5pm startled me from sleep. I groan and hit snooze. Last night was a long night and I didn't make it home till 6 am pretty much right before dawn. Closing my eyes I'm hoping I can get another 15 minutes, but of course my phone starts ringing. Why ?? Oh and of course it's a telemarketer. Realizing I'm not going to get my last 15 minutes I crawl out of bed and head into the kitchen to eat, plus I might as well go ahead and call Seth and let him know I'm going to take him up on his offer. I pop a frozen meal into the microwave and pick up my phone and dial Seth's number.

"Hello, Mr. Zugravescu residence. May I ask who is calling?"

"Hi, yes this is Alexis Brown. I would like to speak with Mr. Zugravescu if I could please."

"I'm sorry Miss Brown he is indisposed of at the moment. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Oh no, It's ok. Could you just have him call me back sometime tonight? I wanted to let him know what I decided."

"Ah yes, he said you might be calling and that if you called with your answer I could take the message and he would call you back as he is looking forward to what you have decided Miss Brown."

"Oh well in that case, please let him know that I accept his offer, however I must let my other employers know and give them a notice so they can find someone else to take over for me."

"That is wonderful news Miss Brown. I will let him know as soon as he returns. Mr. Zugravescu will be pleased."

"Ok thank you, bye" I say hanging up and getting my meal out of the microwave and proceed to call all of my other employers to let them know. After about an hour I have finished calling everyone on my list. The strange thing is everyone said they didn't need a notice and they had tonight covered. How weird is that? It's like they knew I was quitting. I guess that makes life easier on me. Nothing ever seems to go this good for me, but hey I will take it. Now with a full belly and nothing to do for once I head into the bathroom deciding on a nice long bath. Bathes are not my usual since I'm always in a hurry to get to work or I'm tired from working so tonight I'm going all out. I turn on my music, light some candles and get a bath bomb out. I found one with my favorite small cinnamon buns. Running the water I strip and slide into my bath. Aaaaahhhhh this feels so good. Relaxing and really enjoying my bath I decide to shave my legs and my lady bits. I mean you never know when a hot good looking new employer might fall into bed with me. Dear God what did I just think? I have always been professional and further more I am a virgin. I never think of men in that way. Well, not anyone I know. But Seth with those enchanting green eyes that seemed to stare into my soul and the way he smiled could make any girl drop her panties. I could just imagen running my hands down his chiseled chest. I let out a moan as I let my hand brush across my clit. It's been a long time since I let myself enjoy an orgasm and I have time tonight and just the right man to fantasize about. I think about how his lips would feel against mine our tongues tasting each other fighting for dominance. I slowly circle my aching nub imagining it's his long think fingers. I let out a little whimper as I let my finger slide into my wet pussy. It's been so long and I forgot how good this felt. Thinking of Seth's fingers sliding in my wet hole I slide in a second finger and start pumping them in and out letting the palm of my hand rest against my clit applying pressure. I grab my breast with my other hand and pinch my nipple as I feel the pressure building in my core. I finger fuck my pussy faster letting my palm graze my nub and then apply pressure as I pinch and twist my petal pink nipple. Faster and faster my fingers slide in my wet cunt with one last thrust I let out a load moan and shiver as an orgasm races through my body.

"Fuck" I moan out just as my phone rings. Shit I think to myself I can't even bask in the after glow. Snatching my phone up from the stool I had sat near the tub I click on the phone.

"Hello" I say breathless into the phone.

"Alexis is that you?" Realizing it that man I just pleasured myself thinking about I just about choke on my own saliva and start coughing.

"Alexis..... Alexis are you ok?"

"S-sorry Seth. Yes I just got a little choked." I managed to force out of my mouth.

"You sure your ok?"

"Yes I'm fine now, I just got in a hurry and my drink went down the wrong hole." I know it's a little white lie, but what am I going to say. Look I was thinking about you pleasuring me and I had a great orgasm and then you called getting me all flustered so I chocked .......yeah... no I don't think so.

"I was just returning your call. Mary told me the great news that you decided to come work for me. I also wanted to let you know I totally understand about giving notices. So what ....two weeks you'll be able to start for me?"

"Actually funny thing, I let all my employers know and they said I didn't have to give them a notice and they had tonight covered. Weirdest thing ever, but I finally have a night to pamper myself , relax a little and I can start for you tomorrow if that sounds good Seth."

"That is wonderful Alexis. Did you decide on whether or not you are going to live full time her at the castle or are you going to keep your apartment for the weekends? No pressure, just wanted to make plans and have my people be able to move things for you if you would like."

"Well I think I will just live at the castle as long as on the weekends I can come and go as I please."

"Oh most certainly Alexis. I will set everything up for some of my guys to come and help you tomorrow and get you moved in here if that sounds good."

"Sounds fine. They can come over at noon. I don't have a lot of things, but that will give me time to get everything there and a little rest time before I clean the offices."

"Tomorrow will be an easy clean day they have been off the last two days as most have been at a conference so I think I will just show you around and what I expect done. So an easy day and night."

" Ok great Seth. I'll see you tomorrow." I hangup the phone and get out of my now cool bath wrapping myself in a towel. I headinto my bedroom , dress in pj's and set to work packing all my stuff. I can'tbelieve I'm moving into a castle. I squeal a little and dance around the room. Finally, my life is looking up.

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