Chapter 10

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Alexis's POV

It's been two days since Seth left for his trip. I feel strange without him here, almost empty like. I go about my day, as usual cleaning the offices and then hang around and help some of my friends with their work. I think I will take a walk in the gardens. Maybe I'll find one of the secrets Seth told me about. He showed me the one, but said there are many through out the gardens. I head to my room and get on some warm clothes as the nights are cold. Grabbing a coat I head towards the front doors. I haven't went into the gardens from this side so I thought it would be a different experience. I see Mary as I approach the door and slide my coat on.

"Where you going Miss Alexis?" Mary called to me.

"Just heading outside to walk in the gardens. I'm feeling a little cooped up tonight and restless. I thought a nice stroll through the gardens would settle me down." I look at Mary and grin, but notice her frown. "What's wrong Mary?" She shakes her head and smiles.

"Oh nothing, just thinking it's cold outside. Don't stay out to long." With that I waved and pulled open the door heading out into the darkness, thank goodness it's a full moon so I can see the pathway that leads to the gardens. Once inside the gardens everything is deathly still and quite, but relaxing to me. I walk through the different paths not really paying attention to where I am going. A few times, I felt like someone was watching me and felt a presence, but I would stop and look around and call out nothing was around. I continued my leisurely stroll and finally end up in a dead end. I hear a rustling behind me and I start to turn then everything goes black.

"Alexis!" I hear my name, but I can't seam to open my eyes. "Alexis open your eyes now!" My eyes flicker open and come into focus. I'm in some strange dungeon like room with bars all around. My ankle is chained to a cot that I've been laying on. It's quite dark in this room, but I raise up and look around.

"Hey is anyone here?" I call out as panic is starting to settle in my chest.

"Yes Alexis, I'm here" A voices says and laughs.

"Who are you? Why can't I see you? Why am I here?"

"So many questions for a small mortal girl. And you can't see me cause I'm not allowing you to see me." The voice says as it snickers at me.

"A-are you a ghost?" I stammer out and I'm met with a loud cackle.

"Nope, try again" it says in a sing songy voice. I have always believed there was more out there than what we could see, but this is terrifying since I have no idea what it is and it is holding me in a cell chained to a cot.

"You hit me in the head and holding me hostage? Why? What did I do to you?"

"Nope, not till you figure out what I am Alexis. Come one use your imagination. You mortals are good at that I hear." Another ring of laughter and I hear someone walking, but still don't see anyone. Ok maybe if I just throw stuff out I'll get it right.




"Nope!" My head is hurting and I'm trying to rack my brain as to what the hell this thing is.

"Ok giving me a clue. My head is throbbing where you hit me. I am having a hard time thinking straight." I hear a giggle and see a shadow creeping closer to the cell door.

"Ok fine, I like blood! Lots of blood and you my dear are  full of it. I can smell it, hear it pumping through your veins. You are a sweet delicacy and I would like nothing better than to drain you dry!" Fear rips through my chest at her words as I scramble out of the cot and back all the way against the wall. "Oh don't worry I won't...... how shall I put this..... I won't drink you dry, my master has forbidden me to. However, he didn't say I couldn't play with you and taste you!" The loud laughter fills the room and I look all around looking for the source.

"You're a Vampire!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!"

"Why am I here? Who is your master?" I ask trying to remain calm. Surely someone from the castle will realize I'm missing and tell Seth. He'll find me, he has to. "Why does your master want me, I'm nothing but a girl who cleans offices. Nothing special."

"I'm not allowed to say who my master is. He will meet with you soon. You are here because of Seth my dear and as for you not being special and just a mortal girl, you would be wrong. All will be made clear very soon. My Master approaches."

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