Chapter 25

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Alexis's POV

After the visit with Seth's parents, I was ready for bed. The babies have already seemed to grown in just a few short hours and they are draining me of energy. Seth must have noticed me stumbling and gently lifted me into his arms bridal style and I snuggle my head into his chest and breath in deep letting his intoxicating scent fill my senses. I wake up the next evening in our bed clothed in a gown. Seth must have dressed me and put me to bed I was so exhausted. I feel a sharp kick to my stomach and look down at my growing belly and watch as little feet push against my skin. My stomach looks like I should be at least six months pregnant. How is this happening so fast? I know I should be scared or at least weirded out as just last week I had a flat stomach and would have called anyone crazy saying you could get pregnant and be almost to term in a week or two.

"Good evening my Love" Seth exclaims as he enters our bed chamber with a tray of what smells like delicious, yummy food. " I brought you some food. I can't have you starving nor my babies." He smiles as he sets the tray on the bedside table and helped me scoot up to the top of the bed placing pillows behind my back before placing the tray over my lap. Opening the lid the smell of cinnamon buns fill the air.

"My favorite! You remembered Seth." I clapped my hands together and quickly grabbed one biting into it. "MMMM these are so good" the babies must have thought so too as they started kicking against my stomach. I grabbed Seth's hand and placed them on my belly his eyes grew big and tears spilled from the corners. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing is wrong my love. You have made me so happy and we are going to be parents." He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "In one day more you and I will be tied together for life. Now hurry up and finish eating. My mom is waiting with your wedding dress to make adjustments for those babies of ours."

"I can't believe this is all happening so fast." I say as I take another bite.

"Are you worried?" I swallow my food and think for a minute.

"I'm not worried per say. I know I love you already and I love the babies. I'm more worried about when it comes time to become a vampire. What if you fall out of love with me?" Seth gently grabs my chin and looks me in the eye.

"I will never fall out of love with you. You are my mate. We are meant for each other and I will spend eternity making sure you know I love you and our kids." Looking into his eyes I see the truth and feel my worries melt away. I lean in and capture his lips with mine. I let my tongue glide over his asking for entrance and as soon as his mouth opens, I let my tongue dart in and dance with his. "MMMMMM Alexis, if we don't stop you won't be getting to the wedding dress fitting." I pull back and grin.

"I forgot about the dress. Maybe later then?" I ask hopeful as all I want to really do is make love with my man, but I can't keep his mom waiting.

"Anything my woman wants, she will get." Seth says as he nips my neck with his teeth then licks the blood away closing the small wound. Instead of pain all I feel is wetness pooling in my core. God what he does to me. "Now get up and get dressed before I devour you. God your like catnip to me." I smile and get up heading to the bathroom. I can't believe how wonderful my life is turning out to be. Tomorrow I'll be married and shortly I will be a mother. Life she is funny. I quickly get dressed and make my way to my soon to be mothers-in-law room. Knocking on the door waiting on her to answer.

"Come in Alexis. I have your dress ready." I open the door and gasp at the big beautiful dress hanging in the middle of the room. Seth was telling the truth about giving me a dream wedding. Seth's mom grabs my hand pulling me in and starts helping me get into the dress. " Now I might have to adjust the waist you all ready look bigger. My grandkids are going to be big and healthy it looks like." She beams at me as she starts lacing the dress up. Once she finishes, I look in the mirror. I can't believe it. This is the dress I always dreamed about when I dreamed of my wedding. She places the veil on my head and the look is complete. "You look beautiful! My son couldn't ask for a better mate. Now, I know you no longer have a mom and I would be honored if you called me mom." Tears spill down my cheeks as I realize I am gaining a mom and dad something I haven't had in a very long time.

"Thank " I say as I hug her.

"Ok I think just a few little adjustments and you are ready for tomorrow. Now let's get this off and let you get back to my son. I can hear him pacing from here. " I get out of the dress thanking mom before leaving and step out into the hall where I'm pushed against the wall and soft warm lips envelope mine.

"I thought you'd never get done." Seth whispers against my lips in between kisses. "Now, I think I promised you whatever you wanted."

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