chapter 16

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Alexis's POV

I sat still listening to Seth, trying to comprehend everything that he was confessing. I know I should be scared and ready to run, but so far I'm remaining composed. I mean he says he is a vampire that eats blood and that there are other vampires as well. I have always thought there were other things outside of humans, but when really faced with the possibility of vampires it sounds far fetched. I am not scared of Seth as he has treated me so kind and I do feel a pull towards him maybe I am his mate. I know I have never felt this way with other men that I dated. Deep down when I was kidnapped I always had this feeling that Seth would do anything to rescue me. I watch him as he stands by the fire and I just want to go to him and wrap my arms around him. He seems scared of my rejection, but I don't think I could even if I wanted to, I feel such a strong pull. I wait to ask questions until he is finished. I know this must be hard for him. After he finishes speaking his beautiful green orbs stare into mine pleadingly.

"You said you eat blood. Do you kill people?" He shakes his head no.

"I only drink blood from criminals. People who do the worst. Sometimes, I do kill them but only the ones who have committed the worst sins. I have lived this way since I was born. If I drink from an innocent it's with their knowledge and the allow me too."

"Everyone here are they vampires?"

"No, actually some human some are Dhampir, and the rest are vampires. Before you ask a Dhampir is a hybrid of human and vampire. You actually have made friends with all three since you have been here. Everyone loves you." I blush as he says people love me. I haven't had many friends in my life let alone people who love me. Being here with Seth and the others I have felt at home and at peace.

"So , Donovan took me because you killed his mate. He was just hurting is what you are saying and he didn't understand that you had to do what you did."

"Yes, it was my duty to kill her, but there was nothing that could be done to save her or trust me I would have done it. No vampire wants to kill another's soulmate. Our soulmates are precious to us.....your precious to me." As he said that he walked towards me and sit down on the edge of the bed taking my hand in his. He pulled my hand to his mouth placing a kiss to the top and staring me in my eyes searching for what I was feeling. "I want you to know you are the most important person to me. You are my other half and I would and will do anything for you. I want to be with you forever, but it has to be your choice and I won't force you, I'm not that type. If you choice to leave I will accept it, but I will continue to look after you, provide for you and keep you safe for as long as you live, but from a distance." I leaned forward and hugged him, he slowly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. After a few minutes I pulled back.

"Seth, I have so many feelings right now it's all jumbled up. I think I need a little time to think. This is a really heavy subject and I just don't want to screw things up." I look into his eyes pleading for time. He nods then stands and leans toward me placing a kiss to my forehead.

"I understand Alexis, this all must be a shock and I don't doubt you need time and I will gladly give it to you. I will leave you to your thoughts, but if you should need me let Mary or Jared know." He leaned over and kissed the top of my head then retreated out the door leaving me to my thoughts. As soon as he left an emptiness settled within my soul and a craving I had never felt before. It was like my body was craving Seth and mourning his absents, but I really needed to come to terms with him being a vampire along with there being others. When he said he want to be with me forever does that mean he wants me to become a vampire since humans grow old and die? Is that something I can live with? Could I live without Seth? My head is spinning with all these thoughts maybe I just need to rest and then decide. Pulling the covers up and snuggling into them my eyes grow heavy. Maybe my dreams will help me I think as I fall into a deep sleep.

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