Chapter 17

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Alexis's POV

Waking up the next morning I know what I want. I don't care if Seth is a vampire. I don't care if he drinks blood all I know is that my heart and soul wants him. I feel at home when I am in his arms. I know he is sleeping as it's morning so I decide to walk the grounds because if I'm going to be with Seth then that means I'm all in. I will become what he is so we can be together for eternity. Becoming a vampire means no more sun light so I want to walk in the day light while I can. Walking through the gardens I enjoy the warmth of the sun and the few flowers that are in bloom. I find myself in the part of the garden that Seth showed me the secret. Looking for the brick Seth pushed the time we were here I finally find it and push. The door opens and I step into the tunnel and the lights spring to life. I walk a few steps in and the door closes behind me. A pull makes me decide to continue walking through the tunnel to make it to the lovely bedroom Seth had said was for him and his beloved. As I make it to the door I slowly push it open and notice the fire burning in the fireplace and the lights are dimmed casting shadows across the floor. I still by the door realizing there might be someone in here and I'm trespassing. My eyes slowly adjust to the dim light and I see a figure sitting in a chair beside the fire.

"Come in my Love." I hear and realize it's Seth's voice.

"I'm sorry, I was out walking and something called me to come here." I say as I make my way just inside the door.

"It's ok Alexis, this is your room. You are my beloved and this room was made for you and me. If you will have me." He said as he stood up and slowly started making his way towards me. His body called to my body and I found myself walking towards him. We met half way and stood before each other. My hand rose of its own accord and cupped his jaw as I looked into his beautiful green eyes.

"Yes Seth. I want you." A sigh escaped him and his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me to him. My hands wrapped around his neck as his head dipped down our lips just a breath away from each others.

"You mean that Alexis? You truly want me?" I answered him with my lips as I pressed them to his. His body relaxed into mine and the kiss grew passionately. I licked over his bottom lip asking for entry. His lips parted and I let my tongue dart in enjoying the taste . I rubbed my tongue over his sharp vampire teeth and they were so sharp they cut into my tongue. Seth let out a groan as he sucked on my tongue tasting my blood then twirled it with his healing it. Pulling back from me he sighed and placed his forehead against mine. "Mine. Your mine and I'm yours." My body ignited with a fire as the pull for Seth grew deep within my soul. He takes my hand and pulls me towards the bed. He helps me up and I sit on the edge with him between my legs. I pull his face to mine and kiss him gently before gazing into his glowing green eyes.

"Yours. I am yours and you are mine." I say as I slowly rub down his chest to his shirt pulling it out of his pants. I started unbuttoning the buttons as he leaned into my neck nuzzling and inhaling my scent. I feel his body shudder as my hands touch his bare chest as I rub my palms up caressing his pale skin. He kisses my neck grazing his teeth against it, but doesn't break it. His warm breath fanning my cool skin. His tongue licks up and sucks the lobe of my ear into his mouth.

"I want you so bad Alexis." He whispered against the shell of my ear causing a shiver to run down my body.

"I am yours Seth. My body as well. Make love to me."

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