Chapter 6

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I woke up early to finish packing. Now all that was left was to call the landlord and let them know I was moving out. I'm nervous about living in a big castle with a really hunky employer, but something inside me is telling me to do it. I have always gotten these feelings and sometimes I get what my grandmother called visions, but I felt really good about doing this. At noon Seth's employee's knocked on the door. I quickly answered it and let them in my apartment. They made quick work of loading all of my boxes. Taking one last look around I said goodbye to my little apartment and headed outside to where the car was waiting to take me to my new home. Once we arrived at the castle I noticed how beautiful it looked in the day time. There were flowers everywhere along with a small pond and what looked like a hedge maze. How cool is that! This really is like a castle from a fairytale. The little girl in me squealed in delight. Not out loud of course that would be so embarrassing. Walking into the foyer of the home Jared and a woman named Mary greeted me. They instructed the ones bringing my stuff in where to take all of it and asked me to follow them. Walking behind them I looked at everything in awe. There were so many nice paintings and sculptures down the hall we walked. They lead me to a dinning area with a banquet of food.

"Please take a seat Miss, Mr. Zugravescu wanted you to be able to eat as soon as you arrived since it would be around lunch and he was afraid you might not eat since you wanted the movers at your apartment at noon." Mary smiled at me and gestured to a seat. I sat down and next thing I know I have a ton of food in front of me. Boy they move fast or maybe I just have low blood sugar and really need to eat.

"Wow! Thank you. It was very nice of Mr. Zugravescu to have this done for me, but he really did have to. I would have been happy with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Mary scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Honey, just let the man do what he likes to do which is take care of his employees. It's easier this way trust me. The man is quite set in his ways." Mary said smiling at me kindly. I nodded my head and started eating.

"When will Mr. Zugravescu be around to show me what needs to be done tonight" I asked as I continued devouring the most delicious food I think I have ever had.

"Ah yes , Mr. Zugravescu gave us strict instructions to have you eat then take you to your room and make sure everything there was to your liking. He wants to be the one to show you around the castle and all the offices. He will fetch you after sundown." Mary stated as I finished my lunch.

"Ok I guess that will give me time to rest some. I am a little tired I got up early and I usually am up all night. Is the reason for him meeting me after sundown his skin condition?" I asked because well I'm curious and nosey what can I say. Jared looked towards me looks a little nervous.

"You know about Mr. Zugravescu's skin condition?" Jared asked.

"Yes I asked Malcom some questions the other night so I could make my decision about living and working here. I had worried he was ill since his skin is so pale, but Malcom assured me he just has a skin condition and he can't go out during the day. He said that's why he sleeps during the day and does his business at night. Which is cool, I have always been a night owl myself." I smiled big at both Mary and Jared and the worried looks on their face seemed to ease.

"Ready to head to your room Miss" Mary asked as she noticed I was done eating.

"Oh yes, I am stuffed and ready for a nap" I say with a little giggle and both of them smiled at me. I can't believe I giggled! I wanted to face palm myself. We walk up some stairs that lead to the third floor and it's amazing. There are more works of art and sculptures and statues. The hall has this plush rug that runs the length of the whole hall in the color of red it makes one feel like your royalty and walking down the red carpet. We pass a few doors before we stop at one on the right. There is a sign on it that says Welcome Alexis. " I guess this is my room" I say with a nervous giggle. Shit why am I giggling again?

"Mr. Zugravescu wanted you to be able to find your room easier as all the doors look the same down the hall." Mary says with a smirk. Well he either thinks I'm really dumb and can't find my way out of a paper bag or he is just being nice. I'm going with he is trying to be nice I would hope he didn't think I was dumb. Mary opens the door and allows me to walk before her and Jared. As I step in I gasp loudly.

"Is there something wrong Miss" Mary quickly asks looking worried.

"Oh God no! I just have never had a bedroom this big and lavish. It's beautiful." I say as I walk around the room taking in everything. The walls are a nice cream color with hard wood floors and plush rugs in my favorite color of green. The bed is a four poster king size. I have never slept in anything bigger than a full size. There is a fire place against the opposite wall of the bed and a huge tv on the wall. This room is so big it has like a seating area with plush velvet chairs and a table. I walk over to two doors and open the first one. It's a walking in closet and all my clothes are already hung up along with some beautiful other clothes. "Mary whose clothes are the ones beside mine" I ask.

"Oh they are yours. Mr. Zugravescu wanted you to have some new clothes as a welcome gift." OK a little strange, but he is paying me $10,000 a week so who am I to question. Closing the closet door I open the second one and gasp again as I walk into a huge bathroom. It has a beautiful green marble flooring with gold accents. There is a walk in shower with three shower head one on each side and one in the middle and a beautiful claw foot bathtub that can fit at least two people in it. I know what I'm going to do before Seth comes and gets me for the tour tonight. I am defiantly trying out the shower or the tub. Really either is a win!

"Will there be anything else Miss?" Jared asks as he and Mary stand near the door.

"Nope, I'm all good. Thank you both."

"Very good. We hope you get some rest" Mary says as her and Jared exit my room closing he door behind them. I practically run and jump onto the softest bed I've ever been on. I laugh and jump up removing my clothes and pulling down the covers noticing the sheets are silk. I slide into the bed and snuggle up in pure bliss as I drift off to sleep.

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