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"Why would you do this to him?" I asked angrily.

"I didn't do anything wrong, I offered him my sympathy and he kissed me. He kissed me. Get that through your head. He's very different this time, a lot more dominant but compliant, it's hot as hell." He seemed so full of bliss.

"Is offering sympathy wrong? No. But," I stressed the word, "are you a sympathetic man? No."

"You're not going to get him in this life, he's mine this time," Mikaela gave a wicked smile, "I'll do anything to keep him. I'm not going to hurt anyone, I'm not going to scare him. I'm going to be normal this time."

"I wish I would've met him before you." I tugged at my hair.

"Ooohhh, Ashy Washy, don't pull at your hair, you're gonna hurt yourself," He snickered, "your mental problems are only making this worse, he told me you even walked out of the appointment."

"I hate you." I let out a low growl.

"I hate you too. This isn't new. And calm down, you've picked up too many tendencies from that mutt." Mikaela obviously didn't care for my feelings, he only ever cared about one person.

"I. Hate. You." I made each word into a sentence as I slowly approached him.

He smirked, "What are you gonna do Asher? Do you really think you can hurt me? While this body may be weak for now, yours is even worse."

Soon enough I was right in front of him, he just stared at me smirking waiting to see what I would do, "Hearing that you died was the best god damn news of my life." I smacked him across that face as hard I could.

He put a hand over his cheek in shock, "You act like I'm still such a monster, why can't you see that I'm trying to change? Why are you so hellbent on ruining this?!"

"Because I fucking know you!" I shouted, "You never fucking change and you never will! You may be playing nice now but I know better! You never actually loved him and you never will, you're obsessed!"

Mikaela started to laugh hysterically, "I don't disagree. I'm obsessed with him beyond reasoning. But don't even act like it's just about that, this is about the fact he's not in love with you."

"I don't give a fuck if he ever loves me again! I'm content just being in his life! I just don't want him to be in love with someone who I KNOW is going to harm him!" I huffed.

Mikaela stood up and got right in my face, "No, I'm not going to hurt him again. Right now, you're the one hurting him," He pushed me onto the ground and kicked me once right in the stomach, "if you ever even think about touching me like that again, I'll seriously fuck you up," he squatted down and picked my head up by my hair, he was smiling like a complete maniac, "if Yuu ever tells you that he wants to get away from me, then you can step in. Until then, I want you to go about your day acting as normal as possible. For some reason, Yuu is just so entranced by you, it makes me so mad. But, if he likes you, I need you to stay around him. You wouldn't want to hurt his feelings, right?" He dropped my head.

"Karmas going to get you one day." I said.

He laughed once more, "Yuu murdered me with the help of someone whose life I 'ruined' in the very place I kept him captive and killed numerous people. I think I've already gotten mine."

"Not all of it." I chuckled.

"What?!" He snapped.

"Don't 'what' me," I laughed a little more, "you seem to only remember the things you've done after you met him again. You did sooo much more before that. In the business world and to Yuu's world."

I could feel his eyes staring daggers into me, "If you're referring about what I think you are, I never said I did that."

"I was a police officer, Mikaela, you didn't think I would review the life changing case of the man who saved me?" I asked, "I wouldn't have even guessed it was you if I didn't watch you do a similar thing not even a year before."

He laid down on the floor next to me, "That was the one thing I was going to take to my grave, I guess I technically did. But you knew?"

"Yuu knows too, or at least he did." I sighed.

"Why would you tell him that?" Mikaela put his arm up in the air.

"You were dead, so I figured he should at least know about one of the worst things you ever did to him." I explained.

"I did worse to him, far worse. That one wasn't even that bad. I just set a building on fire," He snickered, "just a few charred corpses."

"You really are sick." I scrunched my face up in disgust.

"No, Mikaela Shindo was sick, I am not Mikaela Shindo, I just share his memories," He tried justifying it, "just like how you're not Matthew."

"I don't think I'll ever be as good as Matthew." I sighed.

"No," he turned his head to look me in my eyes, "you can be better."



It must've been 4am when I was awoken by phone ringing loudly, I slammed my hand down onto nightstand to pick it up, "Hello?" I asked groggily.

"You sound adorable right now." I heard on the other end.

"Oh? Mika? What's up?" I asked as I did my best to stay awake.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I must've lost track of the time," he apologized, "anyway, I have a few ideas in mind for a possible date. Now, quick question, how long would you want the date to be?" He asked.

"I have nothing but free time." I explained.

"Ok ok but you were you thinking more like a few hours or a few days?" He elaborated.

"Uhhh, that depends." He was fast as fuck.

"If you maybe wanted to go somewhere for a day or two I have some good ideas in mind, if you maybe just wanted to spend the day together I also have plenty of options." Mika stated.

"Oh, umm, I could do a few days I guess." I rubbed my eyes a bit. I was so tired.

"Now, how does 2 and a half days sound?" I could hear him typing something into his computer.

"It sounds fine." I yawned.

"Does leaving tomorrow work?" He asked.

"Well, Mr. CEO, I have work tomorrow." I reminded him.

"That can change," I could hear the mischievous smile most definitely plastered on his face, "so without work does that mean yes?"

"Sure, where are we going? Like what should I pack?" I asked.

"Where we're going is a surprise, and pack some warm clothes, as well as some things to just lounge around in, maybe bring something a little more formal, and a swimsuit," he clicked on of the buttons on his computer really hard, "and booked!" Mika announced excitedly.

"Am I gonna feel bad for letting you pay?" I asked.

"Maybe just a little, I'll come get you at 8." He said.

"That's like in 4 hours." I grumbled.

"8:30," He said, "you can sleep in the car."

"Whatever, Mikaela," I went to lay back down, "I'll see you then."

"Night." He hummed as the call ended.


What if our villagers held hands in the aquarium in ACNH 🥺👉👈? Jk jk, unless...

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