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I bet you're wondering why I didn't update on Wednesday like a good human. Well, let me tell you.





I ended up going back to the office to try and work out some details of my plan with the rat. It must've been about 3am now and there was really no point in going home. It started to rain maybe an hour or so ago, the building which was usually bustling with people was now eerily quiet and dimly lit. I finally had the time I needed to think things over.

Ray knew too much.

That I knew for a fact. The mutt was always over emotional and couldn't hide things for the life of him. All it took was the smallest push and he was suddenly screaming about his mental breakdown. Ray is dumb, but I don't think he's moronic enough to admit to me that he has something planned. His mental breakdowns usually end with epiphanies, which may not have been good in this situation.

"Things were going so well too," I pouted, I didn't want to cross any lines I couldn't come back from and bankrupting Yuu's family was already a risky move, especially now that I realized he was suspicious of me. I wasn't going to let Ray ruin this for me and Ray knew that. I needed to act fast, I'm not very good when rushed, "maybe I should consider crossing a less severe line?"

Mmmm, no. I didn't care about that, no matter how much part of me wanted to. Ray needed to be dealt with, and I was sure as hell going to deal with him. I wanted this win too much to let Ray fuck it up. I might've been less salty if it was anyone else, but not the man who killed me. I would not allow that.

I got a wonderfully wicked idea soon enough and called up an associate I could deal with, "Lacus, I need you to find someone up for me. I can give you an in depth description as well as a first name but I'm not sure on the last. Yes, I know. I know. Tell me, what reason could I possibly have to lie to you? You already know about most of my... less moral activities. No, Crowley is plan B. Right. I only plan on selling if things go south," my lip twitched as I tried to hold back a smile, "I'm sure they'd be much more useful in death anyway."

After hanging up, I stared at my Lock Screen for a minute. I don't remember when I did it, but it was Yuu. Old parts of me were fully consuming my being at the moment, and I couldn't fight it. I didn't want to fight it either, sometimes it felt nice to feel things other than disgust.

Yuu was so fragile, I made his safety my problem and now I need to be held responsible. Ah, yes, responsibility, a truly lovely word. Morality is relative, thus responsibly can take so many forms. I want to go by Yuu's morals but I'm starting to question what his really are. Finding out should be entertaining.


Mikaela forced me to take paid leave for two days and told me if I came in I would be stuck in his office the whole day. It didn't sound like a terrible time, but I also knew he had been preparing for a meeting for a while now, so what he really meant was I can be alone in the office all day. I wasn't big on social interaction but I hated being all alone even more. This was hell for me.

I missed him. Knowing how protective he was made me feel safe. I was still shaken from yesterday's endeavors and all I really wanted at this moment was someone to be my sense of security.

I pulled out my phone and tried calling him, I hoped he wasn't in the meeting yet and if he was he would just call me back later.

"Yes, dear?" He said as he picked up.

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