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Things were easily falling back into routine. Wake up (more often than not with Mika), head into the office, work, have lunch, finish working, shower, if Mika's coming I'll wait for him, eat dinner, sleep.

The next few days followed this exact routine. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen Ash the whole week. He called me and assured me he would be at the meeting with my friend, which was good enough for me.

Today, however, was finally Saturday, and for the first time in six days, my dumb blonde™ was no where to be seen. He had stayed the night, but had left before I woke up. We had the meeting with my friend today and last night he said he wanted to seem a little more presentable.

I trudged out into my kitchen and debated on weather I should eat something or just wait the three hours out and eat at lunch. Yoichi was at Kimizuki's so I couldn't exactly force him to make something. Even if I was gonna eat, I don't think I'm allowed to use the stove after last time.

For the first time in a week and a half I genuinely had no idea what to fucking do. When I wasn't working, I was dealing with Mikaela, when I wasn't doing that, I was with Yoichi or Kimizuki, I hadn't been alone for more than 5 minutes in a while.

I didn't like it.

I didn't really like being alone in general. It was really lonely just by myself.

The silence really was deafening. I tapped my fingers against the counter top, trying to focus on that sound. It was really bothering me. The lights seemed a little too bright, I felt kind of uncomfortable but I didn't know what was causing it, and my emotions felt out of whack. After a while of trying to tune out the silence, my brain felt kind of numb and I was experiencing something weird. I was kind of... hyper aware of my surroundings yet completely unresponsive, like I was outside of my body, still unconsciously tapping my fingers. That was the best way I could describe it. I was more or less disassociating.

I can't really express how I felt on it, if I actually had the ability to feel much of anything in that moment I probably would've been a little more upset. But the whole situation was just kind of... meh.

After a while of just sitting there I finally snapped out of it and felt a good 10x worse and better yet, I was all alone. Great. Perfect, actually.

My overthinking, anxious, paranoid ass did not need to be alone right now. I only had two and a half hours left until I had to go to the lunch meet though, otherwise I would call up Dad and let him talk my ear off for a while while Pop complained about something in the background.

Maybe I should just focus on getting ready.


After my shower, half an hour of picking what to wear, and sitting around in a towel not actually doing anything I was finally ready. I threw on some white joggers, a pale pink sweatshirt, and white adidas shoes with those black stripes.

I still had about an hour left but I figured it would be ok if I was a little early. I was about to grab my keys and leave when my phone began to ring, I was more than relived to have sole form of contact.

"Hello?" I said without actually looking at who was calling.

"Hey, Yuu." So it was Asher.

"Hey, Ash, what's up?" I asked.

"Turns out I'm more nervous than I thought and was wondering if you'd want to drive down with me." He sounded shakier than usual.

"Umm, yeah, that sounds good," I wasn't about to say no when I had been begging for social interaction the whole day. I didn't want to be alone either, "I'll text you my address."

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