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"Good morning." I greeted Asher as cheerfully as I possibly could when he finally trudged down the steps.

"Damn, I didn't take you for a morning person," He said, "why are the lights off?"

"Shush," I said as I sipped at whatever the fuck Mikaela had whipped up to try and cure me of my hangover, "leave them off, the natural light coming in is more than enough."

Mika was sitting at the table that was between the couch and kitchen, the TV was on but he didn't really seem to be paying much attention to it and even had it muted, "He's hungover." He whispered.

"Oh, that makes more sense." Asher began to whisper as well.

I sighed and rubbed my head, I was decent at being hungover so they didn't really need to whisper, but I appreciated the gesture, "Mika, I'm hungry."

He stiffened up a little, "I don't really want to cook today. There's fruit in the fridge and snacks in the cupboard."

"I can cook,"Asher said, "but it might be too loud for you."

"Asher," I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, I felt him immediately relax underneath me. It felt natural in the best way possible, "can you make pancakes?"

He giggled and I noticed how pretty he looked when he was happy, he usually wasn't, which might have been why it made him look so good, "Yes, I can make pancakes, you goof."

"Please do. I will take all the Advil, I will fucking overdose on it to help my head if it means you will cook." I begged.

"Ok, ok, I'll make them." he smiled brightly.

"Thank you." I said.

"Uh - huh." He replied with a shake of his head.

A pair of arms snaked around my neck from behind, colder than an emo teen on 4Chan's heart, "That was oddly casual for him." Mikaela leaned on me a little more, peaking his head over my shoulder.

"I don't know, I think it's nice." I said with a smile.

Mika sighed, "You mean you're neutral on it, right? You seem to have a difficult time expressing disinterest, probably how you ended up with me," he planted a kiss on my jaw line, "do you think you could defend yourself against me?"

I shook my head, "Wow, ok, that sentence has a lot cover. Umm,  I wouldn't say I'm disinterested, I just don't know enough to make the call if it's weird or not. Haha funny joke, you know I love you-"

"I love you too." He interrupted seemingly automatically and nuzzled his nose into my neck.

"Do I think I could defend myself against you? With a weapon, it's a hard maybe. Without one, I doubt it. If we're talking you don't give a shit and just want to murder me, I would not stand a chance. But usually you're emotional toward me which could help with this." I was probably over analyzing.

"How confident are you you could beat someone without a weapon in general?" He asked.

"Not very." I deadpanned.

He sighed, "Baise - moi," (French: Fuck me) "remind me to get you a concealable weapon of some sort."

"No knives." I said without thinking as I moved Mika's arms from my shoulders to wrap tightly around my waist. Sometimes he was good at making me feel safe.

He pulled me in a little bit more and spread his hand out over my stomach, I wasn't feeling particularly scared of that area today, but it could've been due to my pounding headache, "No knives," he repeated, "I'm going to always do my best to keep you safe. But when I'm not here I want you to have something to protect yourself with. How would you feel about carrying around pepper spray?"

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